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The 5:2 Lab

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IGF-1 and 5.2
16 Jan 2014, 00:22
Just thought I would share this very interesting post from Krista Varady on her Facebook page... Read into it what you want but another reason why I am happy with my decision to switch to ADF.

Mark asks: "Do EOD and 5:2 help to lower IGF-1 levels?"

IGF-1 (insulin-like growth factor-1) is a hormone that looks like insulin, and plays an important role in growth. High blood levels of IGF-1 are thought to be harmful, as they are correlated with aging and increased cancer risk.

Recent findings from our lab show that 12 weeks of EOD helps to lower IGF-1 (when a person achieves at least 5% weight loss).

A lot of people start 5:2 to lower their IGF-1 levels (since Michael Mosley lowered his using 5:2). In the study by Harvie et al., the effect of fasting on IGF-1 was tested. This study shows that fasting two consecutive days per week for 24-weeks has no effect IGF-1 levels. I'm not sure, but is this finding discussed in the "Fast Diet" book? I've attached the Harvie et al. article here for those who are interested...

Thanks for the great questions!
Re: IGF-1 and 5.2
16 Jan 2014, 01:40

Thanks for this.

What is really interesting for the large group of newbies here just to lose weight is that the link is to a study that proves IF, two days a week, is as safe and effective as a standard reduced calorie diet. This should help with the people that don't know any better saying it is a fad, radical and unsafe diet. It has now been proven safe and effective. A six month human study is not the greatest, but it is not bad, either.
Re: IGF-1 and 5.2
16 Jan 2014, 02:22
Yea as a weight loss diet this study is a great "start"

For quite a few health indicators it was also good but many after the Horizon doco were after the IGF-1 reduction which this particular study showed relatively no change in.

But yea as you say its great to see studies getting done that are showing its an effective diet and safe.
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