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I also do not like the NHS 'eat well plate'
http://www.nhs.uk/Livewell/Goodfood/Pag ... late.aspx/
It seems awfully carb heavy to me.
http://www.nhs.uk/Livewell/Goodfood/Pag ... late.aspx/
It seems awfully carb heavy to me.

I tend to use sparkpeople for my calorie counting and their recommendations are for 50% of your calories to come from carbs. Which I dutifully ignore. I am recommended to eat between 188grams and 328 grams of carbs a day! That is half a loaf of bread, which, I wouldn't mind occasionally, depending on the bread and the soup of course, but its a horrendously high amount considering how many of our vitamins and minerals actually come from fresh veg and fats.

I guess the only comment is that there is no reason why anyone will take any notice, given that NHS notices and recommendation in the past have been ignored, leading to such huge rates of obesity.

Or maybe the NHS advice has been listened to and we now have massive rates of obesity because of it. Certainly WW and slimming world base their programs on the NHS and American data bases of what constitutes a healthy diet. Which my memory tells me from 30 years ago when I first started to diet, was exactly the same as it is now.

Thanks for this reminder Julie. I still struggle with full-fat dairy, the texture is thicker and takes some getting used to after years and years of non-fat! What is interesting is that I put a lot LESS full-fat milk in my coffee than non-fat so comparitively (sp?) I'm probably consuming nearly the same in calories but actually suppressing my appetite better with the full-fat.

The "eat well plate" is a bit confusing because they linked fat and sugar together. The advice of what foods to limit is good but the implication of fat as being "bad" is out-dated! They also recommend low and non fat dairy.

Just a small amount of foods and drinks that are high in fat or sugar:
Cut down on fat and sugar by eating fewer sweets, cakes and biscuits, and drinking fewer sugary soft drinks.

NHS advice just makes me want to 'spit nails'! It failed me for YEARS!!!! I get really mad about it. Have you noticed how many medics, particularly the ones who give you the 'wrong' advice and preach at you, are overweight themselves? Makes you wonder doesn't it.
"Physician heal thyself!"......
"Physician heal thyself!"......

My hubs nearly fainted when I asked him to get full fat milk, butter and yoghurt. We already have cheese, brown, granary rolls. I too find it a bit wierd with regards to texture. But milky coffee...yum

Thanks @Julieathome for the heads up on this, have bookmarked blog...
Me too @Auriga
The swap butter for low fat spread bit is unbelievable even for Nestle and the NHS.plc
Hydrogenated fat (margarine) is poisonous trans-fat, the stuff that wraps itself around your internal organs and kills you! Hydrogenated Vegtable Oils have been banned in Denmark for years! Why are they blithely ignoring this?
History and I hope litigation will judge them very harshly.
Nails duly spat!!!
Me too @Auriga
The swap butter for low fat spread bit is unbelievable even for Nestle and the NHS.plc
Hydrogenated fat (margarine) is poisonous trans-fat, the stuff that wraps itself around your internal organs and kills you! Hydrogenated Vegtable Oils have been banned in Denmark for years! Why are they blithely ignoring this?
History and I hope litigation will judge them very harshly.
Nails duly spat!!!
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