The FastDay Forum

The 5:2 Lab

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To me, this link offers an effective countering solution for many common frustrations shared by a number of posters here over the last two years. ... 1680900810

I think people beat themselves up too badly for falling off the diet . It's really hard to break those habits.
yep, we are good at beating ourselves up @SumitaSofat1 aren't we.
Welcome to the forum where we try really hard to be supportive and stop people beating themselves up! perhaps you could pop into the Introduce Yourself tent and tell us a wee bit about youself?
Fastday diet plan is quite good as there is not need to completely change whole diet. I have to say that in this diet plan we don't have to beat our self as i have to in my previous diet plan.
that article is interesting. But I see a different problem than the author did. The person was "eating because they ate". If all they had was the cupcake, it would have been fine. The problem was the pizza and whatever that came after. Mindfulness might have played a role, but maybe the bigger problem is that the guilt of the cupcake triggering them to "mess up" even more.
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