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The 5:2 Lab

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Research study
27 Jan 2014, 13:57
I've just participated in a big regional research study into people around my age (50). So far they've recruited 11,000 people and are looking at detail into peoples health including heart health, diabetes etc, with extremely detailed food diaries including asking about what weight loss diets people are currently trying.

The results wont be out for a good while yet but it will be fascinating to see if the various health indicators are different for the fasting diet participants.


My waist measurement they found was around 1/2" bigger than I measure myself, the nurse said that was because an accurate measurement needs the person to stand straight with their arms at their sides (kind of difficult if you are measuring myself). It showed that my weighing scales were accurate. BMI was determined by a full body scan and was as 23.6 opposed to the progress tracker's estimate of 23.7, so the tracker measurements were pretty accurate.

My estimated average total energy expenditure over one week of wearing various monitors is 1937 calories, despite being defined as 'low activity level, sedentary', which is much lower than the 1604 calories that the progress tracker calculates for a sedentary person. Which explains why I can get away with being pretty greedy and still lose weight! Full blood tests including fasting glucose, cholesterol levels etc were all good; my blood pressure and heart rate have always been good despite not being very active.
Re: Research study
27 Jan 2014, 14:23
Sounds really interesting!
Re: Research study
27 Jan 2014, 14:32
What country are you in @Twixthemaddog?
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