If I'm not mistaken, his lab is the one that did the biggest loser study.
I found this study a bit difficult to follow, but the implications for increased hunger after weight loss are kind of shocking. Links to original paper and a write up by Guyenet below:
http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1 ... 21653/full
http://www.stephanguyenet.com/the-impac ... ve-to-eat/
This meta analysis compares the impact of carbs vs. fat on energy expenditure
http://www.stephanguyenet.com/meta-anal ... y-fatness/
I found this study a bit difficult to follow, but the implications for increased hunger after weight loss are kind of shocking. Links to original paper and a write up by Guyenet below:
http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1 ... 21653/full
http://www.stephanguyenet.com/the-impac ... ve-to-eat/
This meta analysis compares the impact of carbs vs. fat on energy expenditure
http://www.stephanguyenet.com/meta-anal ... y-fatness/