I've had a read around the info on "refeeds" on the leangains site and another site he linked to: body recomposition. I'm still hoping for some proper studies, particularly in the context of maintenance or plateaus, but it seems the anecdotal evidence is more compelling than I appreciated. I suppose by biggest worry is that if you don't know your leptin level is low, a refeed might just make you gain. Also… I was reminded that some studies show that leptin doesn't decrease with IF, at least not long term (it goes down on fast days, but back up on non-fast days). It's a shame there isn't an easy blood test for leptin levels.
I would really love to see a study on adaptive thermogenesis (and all the other changes caused by weight loss) and how it varies depending on how the weight is lost. And a proper study on "refeeding".
Some links:
the leangains post @carorees referred to: http://www.leangains.com/search?q=leptin
the first of a 6 part series on leptin at the body recomposition site: http://www.bodyrecomposition.com/fat-lo ... art-1.html
a thread of caroline's from last year with useful info and additional links about the metabolic changes caused by weight loss: the-5-2-lab-f10/topic395.html
the NEJM paper I referred to in an earlier post, but didn't include a link for: http://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMoa1105816
I was really struck by something in one of those links yesterday (I think it was one of the body recomposition posts): drug companies are only interested in developing a drug that causes weight loss. They aren't interested in developing something that helps with maintenance, like leptin. Given the number of people who successfully lose weight but can't maintain it, I think they're being a bit stupid. Though, perhaps the trouble with leptin, as the author points out, is that it would have to be injected, and most people wouldn't do that. I don't love needles (who does), but if there was something out there that would help preserve my hard work, I'd definitely consider it. (Another upside with leptin is that it is something we make naturally, so less worry about side effects, etc., of a synthetic drug.)
I would really love to see a study on adaptive thermogenesis (and all the other changes caused by weight loss) and how it varies depending on how the weight is lost. And a proper study on "refeeding".
Some links:
the leangains post @carorees referred to: http://www.leangains.com/search?q=leptin
the first of a 6 part series on leptin at the body recomposition site: http://www.bodyrecomposition.com/fat-lo ... art-1.html
a thread of caroline's from last year with useful info and additional links about the metabolic changes caused by weight loss: the-5-2-lab-f10/topic395.html
the NEJM paper I referred to in an earlier post, but didn't include a link for: http://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMoa1105816
I was really struck by something in one of those links yesterday (I think it was one of the body recomposition posts): drug companies are only interested in developing a drug that causes weight loss. They aren't interested in developing something that helps with maintenance, like leptin. Given the number of people who successfully lose weight but can't maintain it, I think they're being a bit stupid. Though, perhaps the trouble with leptin, as the author points out, is that it would have to be injected, and most people wouldn't do that. I don't love needles (who does), but if there was something out there that would help preserve my hard work, I'd definitely consider it. (Another upside with leptin is that it is something we make naturally, so less worry about side effects, etc., of a synthetic drug.)