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The 5:2 Lab

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Fascinating explanation - and demonstration - of how exactly fat leaves our bodies - 80% of it leaves as CO2!
That was fascinating, thank you,

Ballerina x :heart:
sorry I didn't find this neither interesting or fascinating

what is it with this obsession with the ageing process? its the cycle of life and a natural fact, end of.
"It's not that life is too short, it's that death is too long." - Discordian quotes

More to the original point of this thread, by chance, I happened to have watched this video yesterday and liked it. The demonstrations drive the points home. (Makes me want learn more chemistry. High school was such a waste.)

Apologies to breadandwine for letting this one get off track.
That has answered a few questions that I didn't even know that I had. Thanks
ADFnFuel wrote: "It's not that life is too short, it's that death is too long." - Discordian quotes

I agree with that! looks like that by losing weight and giving off CO2 we're contributing to global that's why it's raining so much. :confused:
angie090465 wrote: sorry I didn't find this neither interesting or fascinating

what is it with this obsession with the ageing process? its the cycle of life and a natural fact, end of.

Hi Angie!

Have you posted this on the wrong thread, by any chance? The video I posted was about the mechanics of weight loss, not at all about aging!
well I clicked on your click and that is what I got!!

i'll try again, I did find a bit odd, as the guy in the clip was kind of, weird....

i'll go back and see, doh me uh!!

apologies if I did btw!! :-)
Breadandwine wrote:
angie090465 wrote: sorry I didn't find this neither interesting or fascinating

what is it with this obsession with the ageing process? its the cycle of life and a natural fact, end of.

Hi Angie!

Have you posted this on the wrong thread, by any chance? The video I posted was about the mechanics of weight loss, not at all about aging!

Oh dear, yes I got something completely different!!!!!!!!
I take it all back, very interesting lol :-) thanks for sharing :grin:
angie090465 wrote: well I clicked on your click and that is what I got!!

i'll try again, I did find a bit odd, as the guy in the clip was kind of, weird....

i'll go back and see, doh me uh!!

apologies if I did btw!! :-)

Ha ha... you got Aubrey de Grey... Mad as a ferret, but ferrets make much more sense. IIRC, at one point he kept pretending that he was doing research at Cambridge, and Cambridge went spare trying to deny it.
FatDog wrote:
angie090465 wrote: well I clicked on your click and that is what I got!!

i'll try again, I did find a bit odd, as the guy in the clip was kind of, weird....

i'll go back and see, doh me uh!!

apologies if I did btw!! :-)

Ha ha... you got Aubrey de Grey... Mad as a ferret, but ferrets make much more sense. IIRC, at one point he kept pretending that he was doing research at Cambridge, and Cambridge went spare trying to deny it.

That's is lol!! strange fella, or is it just me? whats with the beard? he went on saying ageing is a disease, give me a breeeeeaaakkkk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think i'll stick to ferrets in the future :grin: thank you!!! :lol:
Thanks for the link BaW havent watched yet but will do! X
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