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The 5:2 Lab

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A topic close to my heart because I used to be a diagnostic radiographer involved in breast screening and even when reviewing my mammograms the radiologists advised me to keep my weight down because of the levels of estrogen in body fat. My Mother was diagnosed with breast cancer when she was 80 years old even though she was never overweight.

There is now substantial evidence that overweight and/or obesity and/or weight gain are risk factors for the development of post menopausal breast cancer. In addition, obesity and/or elevated body mass index at breast cancer diagnosis has a negative impact on prognosis for both pre menopausal and post menopausal women

I usually spell it oestrogen, but this article uses the estrogen spelling!

So,this is one of the main reasons I am following 5:2!
This is a very interesting post, and I am surprised that nobody has replied to it before.

Being a healthy weight - and intermittent fasting - have been shown, in trials, to cut the risk of breast cancer.

Those who have not adopted this WOE to lose weight, will still reap the overall health benefits anyway.
This IS very interesting. I had a hysterectomy 3 years ago and I'm using oestrogen hrt... After breast pain in one side for a year I was finally referred to the breast clinic, went today and all fine but advised to take evening primrose oil. I've lost 2 stone since January & have a further 2 stone to lose~ even more determined after reading this so thank you!
Thank you Navwoman for this, very, very interesting article. My sister died at age 62 from an aggressive form of breast cancer so this made very sober reading for me.

Ballerina x :heart:
I was invited to a attend a mammogram which I did today. Will get the results in three weeks. I was 'randomised' as they are bringing in offering mammograms in my area to all women 47-49. I am 49. It wasn't as scary as I thought - very quick and I will get results in 3 weeks. I am not that worried as I check myself monthly and think mammograms are a good thing. I have lost approx 17lbs since feb doing this woe ( less fat to squeeze between the X-ray plates!!). Can now put this out of my mind and get on with enjoying the weekend. Would urge anyone (males do to get breast cancer) if invited to attend to go and get one - it could save your life! Whatever my results, I know this was the best thing I could have done - I know many women who are scared of mammograms - I was one of them but not anymore.
Katie xxx
Thanks a million for bumping this excellent thread - a great reminder to us all of the real benefits of weight loss -GOOD HEALTH EVERBODY!! :heart:
Not really to do with 5:2 but I would be interested in your views. Are mammograms really safe/reliable? False/negative results?? What does that mean? I have been reading some conflicting comments on the Internet and just having had one I am a bit concerned! Had mine a week ago and no results as yet. Said results within 3 weeks. Should I be worried?
Your comments most welcome. X
Katie I don't believe you should worry about having to wait the 3 weeks if they say 3 then you'll probably get results inside that time :heart:
On my very fist one and you answer all concerns etc I had felt something so had my mammogram on that day went home received a letter 4days later telling I had appointment 3 days later for biopsy further mammogram + examination etc. Time from 1st apt -2nd exactly 7 days
Told on the day all was ''probably'' OK had to wait post as you've got to
Thankfully all was well :heart: :heart: :heart:
Unlike 3 women in my life who all received the worst news all had to have the full treatment of chemo and radiotherapy the wig /no eyebrows/eye lashes/ and many more side effects that this awful disease brings.
So for you relax because the mammograms gives us a chance to catch it early unlike many of our mothers + sisters + other relatives and
friends. Wait patiently and never give up hope :clover: Sue :clover:
Yanno, while of course being a healthy weight is a good thing. But I really think like so much in life it's a crapshoot. And I speak from first hand experience. I have been in treatment for breast cancer after being diagnosed late last year. Of the many people I have met over the year the ratio of obese, to overweight, to normal weight that get cursed with this crap fest of a disease is pretty even. One of my closest friends I met thru this past year nightmare, was a marathon runner. In perfect weight and fitness and she wound up with cancer , in both breasts and had to have a double mastectomy. I had one tumour in one breast, had a lumpectomy.

I just think there is more of a randomness to it then pointing at just one factor.

Just my opinion
Thank you Sue for your reply. So happy you had good results! I am a worrier and so have not slept properly since prior to the mammogram. My GP checked me out beforehand and said everything seemed ok so that's a good thing. My mother passed away 8 years ago so I don't have anyone to confide in, hence involving this forum. I will try to stay positive but I always think the worst! Thanks again x
It is always important to go for mammograms. My breast cancer was picked up by having one & I had no discernible lump. In my case I was slightly over weight but was taking HRT & I was a stressed workaholic! My Mother died from breast cancer aged 85 but her sister was in her early forties & also died from it. So in my case a strong familial history but I think HRT & stress played a large part in me getting it when I was aged 53. Research also indicates that those working in a caring profession also have a stronger predisposition to breast cancer, so I ticked that box as well.
However here I am 12 years later & I strongly feel that having a bloody minded its not going to beat me attitude helps as well as careful dietary choices I.e organic & reducing dairy (Bristol Cancer Centre guidelines then). My weight gain was largely caused by Tamoxifen when my body felt completely out of control with side effects & gynae problems that I had never had before.
dianehelen I am sorry that you are going through a difficult time now & I do hope that things get better for you, so hang in there, take it one day at a time & know that you will get better & go into remission :heart:
Thanks Isis. I'm doing better now that I am done with the pain of surgery, the hell of chemo and the misery of radiation. I still have 5 months more of every three weeks IV herceptin, then have to face to pain and annoyance of estrogen blockers. I am way post meno so it wont be tamoxifin, but either arimidex or femara. Not looking forward to it. Hooray for you! 12 years out, that's great
I had my mammogram results yesterday, after being referred because of nipple discharge. The mammogram was all clear, but she wants to see me after I get my testosterone implant, as low testosterone is a known factor of nipple discharge, so it should have cleared up by then. I have had my implant appointment cancelled twice now and am 3 months late for it.
Just to update.....just after 2 1/2 weeks from having a mammogram, I got a call at work from the breast nurse to say I have been called back to have another one. She did not give me much info on way but assured me it was quite common for call backs if this is your first mammogram. The appointment was booked for the next day. How I got thru that afternoon I don't know. 2nd mammo was more magnified and showed calcium deposits in left breast and I would need a core biopsy which they did there and then. They took 5 samples and boy did it hurt. My results were due back in a week and they made an appt to see the consultant (that would have been for today) this last week has been horrible, thinking the worst, trying to be positive, feeling in limbo etc. anyway, I had a phone call today from the consultant and all is clear! I did not need to go to appointment today just keep breast aware and next mammogram in 3 years. To say I am overjoyed is an understatement and although it's a fast day I will be having a cheeky glass of wine (only small!) I know I am lucky and my heart goes out to those who are waiting for results or going through this awful disease. I am now going to do more if I can to help raise funds to help find a cure for cancer. Thank you for reading.
Katie x
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