The FastDay Forum

The 5:2 Lab

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This blog is well worth exploring - all I've seen of it so far is positive:

This page contains a series of short films of a lecture from a guy called Todd Becker who is interested in the role of moderate stress as a positive force applied to health, nutrition, rehabilitation and psychology. This is a talk about Intermittent Fasting and you'll see it in 5 short bits .. .

Very informative .. and the second to last two short videos gives a good practical and scientific explanation of the role of fasting on insulin .

OK its not DR MM ( and this guy is not saying he's an expert although you'll see how well its working for him ) but it's an accessible and pretty good explanation of why IF works - do take a look if you have time.

He advocates a 19 hour fast to ensure that you are getting the greatest benefits from this WOE.

The rest of the blog is well worth looking at.
Thanks for posting this...very useful. The comments below are good too because he answers lots of questions that often arise on this forum!
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