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5 posts Page 1 of 1
22 Jul 2013, 06:08
Started 17th June. Lost 10lbs so far (5 weeks) Started really well but last two weeks remained the same.
Hoping heatwave water retention is part of the reason but I have partied quite a bit too. Alcohol not the best for weight loss!!!!! Hen do's 50th birthdays and wedding coming up.
Keeping going tho. Cruise in 6 weeks .Aiming to lose 2 stones in total but probably won't mange that for cruise. Hoping by Xmas fingers crossed.
Re: Plateau
22 Jul 2013, 16:34
Hi Dabho,

Welcome to the forum and haven't you done well. The average loss for 5:2 is 1 lb per week so you are ahead of the game. A lot of people get off to a great start and then stall but the thing is, if you keep going it always starts again so don't panic, browse the forum for tips and the nerdy section is great for getting a better understanding of what our bodies do and don't do whilst fasting. Good luck and keep posting,

Ballerina x :heart:
Re: Plateau
22 Jul 2013, 17:12
Hi Dabho - congrats on your loss so far!

Weight loss is a long-term thing - so try not to get discouraged when you don't lose every week. Plus being a female, our hormones play into our weight, not to mention water retention, sodium intake, etc. Just stay the course.

That's what I keep telling myself, "stay the course". I have found now in my 2nd month on the 5:2 that I gain a little in certain weeks and lose a lot in other weeks.

Best of luck and sounds like you have some fun times ahead!!
Re: Plateau
01 Aug 2013, 18:51
Dabho wrote: Started 17th June. Lost 10lbs so far (5 weeks) Started really well but last two weeks remained the same.
Hoping heatwave water retention is part of the reason but I have partied quite a bit too. Alcohol not the best for weight loss!!!!! Hen do's 50th birthdays and wedding coming up.
Keeping going tho. Cruise in 6 weeks .Aiming to lose 2 stones in total but probably won't mange that for cruise. Hoping by Xmas fingers crossed.

'fraid that won't help. :wink:

Keep at it!
Re: Plateau
01 Aug 2013, 19:06

A plateau is when you are following 5:2 and not losing weight for a period of time (I think 4 weeks). It does not sound like you are following 5:2. Here are some thoughts on plateaus: 5-2-diet-chat-f6/on-plateaus-t7102.html
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