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On tonight ... Meat-promo


should be interesting. He looks so well now, thanks to 5:2
Did anyone catch the program. I have mine recorded as there was too much commotion in the kitchen area to hear it properly. Only message i was able to get in the circumstance was that one should at least cut down processed meat products. Thats something i have effectively adopted in last 18 months since starting 5:2. It makes you so mindful of how healthy what we do eat is, even on a "feast day". dont wont to blow all the effort one does on a fast day to eat platefuls of ham, pastrami, and other cold meats.
I think they said its the nitrates that are harmful.
Thanks for the heads up Juliana,
I watched it. It was good. Yes eat less processed meats ( ham, bacon, salami,hot dogs, sausages) opinions differed on whether you should eat red meat at all or just a few times a week in order to live longer but in the end MM decided after to speaking to the experts who have been reviewing and conducting research that you can have red meat ( beef, pork, lamb) a few times a week but mix it up with white meat and fish. Next week same time he will be doing a show called ' the truth about meat' - where our meat comes from, bow the animals are raised in feedlots, barns etc
Xxx Julianna
P.s. MM ate double the meat he should for 1 month and had some bad effects to his weight around gut and blood pressure rising which he was v upset about.
Ill watch it online later this week @Julianna. Love MM as a presenter and he is looking so so fit.

Are you watching the program on Thursday about the "truth" about seafood. It was revolting what they do in Thailand (with respect to the local fishermen who are probs doing it for survival of the current generation.

i didnt post it here as it wasnt related to diet habits and health but worth watching. i think another part is on this Thursday
its with Matthew evans
Hi there.
I saw the program last night and got the same take home message. There seemed to be ambivalence over how much damage red meat could do to you, so all things in moderation as usual.
I shan't watch next week's episode as I know the unpleasant truth around meat, and fish, production. Hence my reluctance to eat meat and trying to go free range and organic with everything. I know this isn't an option for many people though, hence the availability of cheap meat and fish from dubious places with dubious practices
Thanks @Juliana.Rivers, no I didn't know about the fish show. Thanks. I try to just buy Australian seafood.
I'll tape it.
julianna wrote: Thanks @Juliana.Rivers, no I didn't know about the fish show. Thanks. I try to just buy Australian seafood.
I'll tape it.

Last nights Fish doco with Matt was really good.. did you see it @julianna.. Theres "fish n chips" and theres "fish n chips"
Just to alert you to Catalyst next Thursday on benefits or otherwise of a low carb/high fat diet. I shLl watch with interest.
Debs wrote: Just to alert you to Catalyst next Thursday on benefits or otherwise of a low carb/high fat diet. I shLl watch with interest.

Thanks for the heads up @Debs
2nd episode tonight 7.30pm

last weeks episode is online for a few more weeks only ... i-eat-meat
As a vego, purely from an animal welfare perspective, I won't be watching any of the meat ones. I do eat dairy and that's disgraceful enough, having heard the new mothers crying all night for the babies ripped away at birth. However the carb one maybe interesting. What I'd really like to know is this: if all your bloods come back good after fasting and you lose weight whilst eating carbs, why bother restricting anything unless you are allergic?
GMH wrote: As a vego, purely from an animal welfare perspective, I won't be watching any of the meat ones. I do eat dairy and that's disgraceful enough, having heard the new mothers crying all night for the babies ripped away at birth. However the carb one maybe interesting. What I'd really like to know is this: if all your bloods come back good after fasting and you lose weight whilst eating carbs, why bother restricting anything unless you are allergic?

@GMHdo you mean like if you were accustomed to eating say processed meat products.. why should you?
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