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5:2 doesn't come out very well here, although at least he does admit it's because he gorged on up days - at least he gave it a go. ... week-diets
Four weeks??? that's not long enough for a fair trial of 5.2! Our whole thing is this is NOT a crash diet, it's a Way of Life...really! Not the usual, Oh, you have to change your (bad) habits for life to keep the weight off...

And how would someone adjust behavior like overeating on normal days with only 4 weeks' trial? What annoys me is then those who don't know about 5.2 get a skewed impression...Sad that someone out there who'd do well on this won't try because of this article.
I just read this, really odd that Coach would pay somebody to try 5:2 then let them publish the results without doing it properly - no mention of him calculating his daily allowance and sticking to it....also, why expect a long term life style choice to have dramatic results in 4 weeks.....? More of the Tabloid style rubbish we are all so used to
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