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Fasting today?

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Fasting today Wednesday 20 June
20 Jun 2018, 10:32
Hi everyone
I am just coming to the end of my first fasting day in a while. The day went well, with some soup at lunch on this chilly day, and chicken and veggies for dinner, with pear for dessert.
I now need to get an early night to bed so I don't start snacking. I have a good book to read, so hopefully that will keep me out of the kitchen.
Good luck to anyone else fasting today,
Congrats on a good day! I do 16:8, so sort of fast every day, although I should consider adding in an actual fast day too, to counteract my weekend eating!

What book are you reading (if you don't mind sharing?)
Hi @cblasz

I'm about to start reading The Scandal by Fredrik Backman. I really enjoyed his books "A man called Ove" (also a movie), "My grandmother asked me to tell you she's sorry" and "Britt-Marie was here", so this should be a book I'll get into. His books are set in Sweden.
I've just finished Ben Aaronovitch's "Rivers of London". It's not a new book, but several people recommended it and I enjoyed it. Will move on to the next in his series.
What are you reading at the moment? We could start a Books to Fast By thread! :grin:
I do sometimes look at food/cooking books on fast days, but that can lead to my tummy rumbling!

I think we used to have a book club thread on here, but we could start a new "Books to fast by", I like that!!

I'm not reading anything great right now. I'm listening to Ready Player One on Audiobook and I'm ready a book called "Meaty" that my friend's college age daughter recommended to me. It's kinda funny, but pretty crass. I am a teacher though and have 2 days left of school, so I'm definitely going to be looking for more to read.

Have you heard of the Great American Read that's going on?

There's definitely some books in there that I haven't read but want to!
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