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How do you split up your calories on a fasting day?

Poll ended at 19 Sep 2014, 12:10

I do a total fast, no calories
1 meal
2 meals
3 meals
I graze all day
No votes
None of the above (feel free to elaborate in a reply)
Total votes : 101


The friend who turned me on to this diet tells me she doesn't eat ANYTHING on her fast days and finds that easier. I haven't been brave enough to give that a try, but one of these days I might.

Does anyone here do a 0 calorie fast day?
When I do proper fasting (i.e. when my thryoid has not spun out of control), I eat the vast majority of my calories at night. My exception is 1 tablespoon of whole milk in my coffee in the morning. I usually have two coffees, but might have a third if I'm cold or hungry. That's about 9 calories each. If I'm really hungry, I might also have a cup of broth, for about 10 calories. But the rest is dinner and late night noshing on berries or something.
I ticked 2 meals a day. When I first became aware of 5:2. I saw Dr Mossley have a small breakfast, fluids until dinner and then dinner. So that is what I started and continue to do 11 months on. Tenshi
I ticked one meal but I do have a cup of tea with skimmed milk first thing and if I have enough cals left a small snack - say 100g of raspberries - with a decaf with skimmed milk at bedtime.
I ticked the last box

I find I cope best with fluid fasting so am consuming calories in small amount of milk in black tea, have soy in coffee if no cream at hand and meso. More so lately have small night meal but if still holding strong a hot choc on almond milk.

No white carbs on fast days except for above in fluids. If I fail to achieve the very late in the day fast at least I have managed a window fast day
I have a coffee with 2% milk in the morning (25-30 calories). Then I have ~ 200 calorie lunch (ex: 1/2 can a tuna with a bit of mayonnaise, and cup of 100 calorie soup), and then for dinner I have ~300 calorie meal (ex: two scrambled eggs with lots of veggies, sometimes a small piece of cheese). Usually I have enough calories left over to have 1 cup tea with splash of 2% milk.
I usually do three meals. Sometime in the morning, about 100 calories (pistachio nuts, about 1/3c plain non-fat Greek yogurt and berries) for breakfast. Soup or salad for lunch 50-100 calories. For dinner, a salad and fish or chicken about 300 calories. It is what works for me.
Only really one full meal
Willl have a coffee when i wake up thensee how long i can go before I eat anything. I have usually some lean meat or a piece of fruit, cottage cheese or a few nuts. suck on mints if i need to eat more till dinner which is usually about 7.30 pm. that dinner is not much different to other nights and if there is rice it will be only small portion of rice. dessert would be fruit and yoghurt.
will drink almond milk during the day and about 3 coffees with a touch of milk

that would represent a "good fast for me" occasionally i find myself snacking a bit more than i want both before dinner and after dinner.
I Graze all day 300 calories lots of rabbit food and little protein
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