The FastDay Forum

Weekly Poll

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Do you exercise?

Poll ended at 14 Nov 2014, 17:57

Yes, I started before I began fasting
Yes, since starting fasting
Not yet, but I want to start
No, I hate exercise!
No (other, eg medical reasons, don't have time)
Total votes : 113

I try to move each day but am not consistent with the walks. Most days my job is very physical so I consider that my exercise. Love your polls.
I completed the C25K running programme about a month ago and now go jogging 2-3 times a week. I try and have a good walk at l;east twice a week too.
I've been an inline skater (preferably outdoors) for years and that's my favorite activity. But it's limited (where/when), so also supplement with walking. I was doing SO well, walking at least a mile a day (not counting casual walking, just purposeful), during our unusually beautiful (Seattle!) summer...have kinda fallen down since it got wet and icky out! Funny you should ask this today; it's sunny out and since it's a light/fast day and I wouldn't be taking a lunch break anyway, I went for nice walk instead (since it'll be dark out before I'm off! :frown: ). Felt so much better when I got back. I've been plateaued for awhile, and think my not exercising is partly to blame. Trying to get $$ together to get an Xciser for indoor HIIT.
I went to see a personal trainer about three years ago and lost the first five kilos that way, and generally improved my fitness and posture. After I started 5:2 and lost another 10kg I took more control of my own fitness and now only see her once a week. At the moment I do three body pump classes a week and one Pilates class. Until the weather changed I was running 5-6k a week but will get back to that next year. I now read a lot of articles on fitness and spent less time on the fast forum site.
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