The FastDay Forum

Weekly Poll

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Do you track your weight loss progress?

Poll ended at 07 Nov 2014, 17:43

I track my progress daily
I track my progress weekly
I track my progress monthly
I track my progress less often
I use the FastDay Progress Tracker
I use another tracker website/app (please specify)
I track my progress myself (eg with a spreadsheet, diary etc)
I no longer track my progress because I have reached maintenance
I no longer use the FastDay Tracker because had a problem with it (please specify)
I no longer track my progress for another reason (please specify)
Total votes : 228

In a bid to learn a bit more about our community's fasting habits, motivations and other interesting foodie/fasting stuff we're going to be running a poll each week and would appreciate it if you could take a moment to cast your vote on the matter!

For this week's poll, we are asking:

Do you track your weight loss progress?
Please tick however many of these statements are true for you.
Feel free to reply to explain your answer further, especially if how you found it isn't listed!

Over to you!
I'm a bit erratic with tracking, sometimes more than once in a week although more often it's a few weeks before I do it again. I always intend to track my weight weekly but it rarely works out that way. Without the fast day tracker I probably wouldn't have kept on with 5:2 at all, I love to see the line go down and when it rises then I know that my weight is getting out of control so that I can do something about it.
I had been logging my weight into the Libra android app every day until the beginning of this past month, when I decided I was getting too obsessive.

Now I am still occasionally hopping on the scale to see what's happening, but I am only logging 7 days of the month to get a Libra value to use for comparison.

I have learned the hard way that if I don't weigh at all, very bad things happen. But I found I was getting obsessed with the Libra trend and getting upset if it went up .1 or .2. Not healthy for me!

I usually also update the Fastday tracker every monday, but didn't this week because I had just come home from a conference where I'd eaten a lot of food and my weight was WAY up in a way that would skew the long term results without really being all that helpful. I'll update again next Monday now that I've resumed my usual fasting schedule.
I'm not actively logging my progress on a regular basis at the moment because :-
1) I've achieved my initial target weight and am pondering about whether I want to go any further.
2) I'm recovering from major abdominal surgery, so I'm just relaxing a little for now.

I tend to weigh myself every couple of weeks or so, just to confirm that I'm not undoing good work, but I'm not recording my weight at the moment. When my health is back on track I'll think a little more about whether I want to proceed or stay put.
When I started I didn't weigh at all, then I switched to weekly then daily. I probably weigh every other day now. I use the forum tracker (though not so often now), true weight app, and a spreadsheet (I wanted to play around with smoothing and curve fitting).
I'm not tracking because I'm not losing any weight and it's disheartening.
I made 4 choices because I weigh daily and input the results to the True Weight app and then once a week, on a Tuesday I input the result to the forum tracker. Why Tuesday's? I started this whole WOE on a Tuesday.

@jennyh10 why do you think it is that you're not losing weight? Can you tell us a bit more, see if we can come up with something that might help?
I track my progress daily and keep a record for myself in a journal, plus I use the forum tracker once a week; mostly. :)
I weigh daily. 10 months in, I track weekly on a Friday via FD tracker. I do not count calories, never have, never will. It is about portion control (the kitchen is closed too) and low carb for me at the mo. x
JennyH10 wrote: I'm not tracking because I'm not losing any weight and it's disheartening.
Are you tracking any other measurements such as waist, thighs, arms, calves etc.?

It's no help but I plateau'd endlessly during my weight loss journey. It's horribly frustrating and can sometimes trigger all sorts of second-guessing as to whether one is monitoring oneself accurately. If you not changing your weight, are you managing to maintain?
I track here and on MyFitnessPal. I generally track on Friday or Saturday, to avoid doing it after the weekend. But, sometimes I move my day around a bit! :)
It depends what you mean by track. I track my weight on the tracker and on My fitness Pal and on my own spreadsheet once a week. I also track my daily calories on MFP and my own spreadsheet. I do measurements once a month put the waist one on my tracker and others on MFP. I also log excercise on MFP and my own spreadsheet daily.
I just record my waist and weight on the Forum Tracker once a week, even though I am in maintenance, more or less. I do not count or track anything else. Fasting and avoiding sugar and starches is my method.
I weigh daily but have stopped recording as I am maintaining. Maybe I should record once a month. I'll do it now!
I post my weight weekly on the forum tracker on a Monday because that is the day I started and it is the beginning of my 'fasting week'. For the last year I have been tracking my weight daily on Libra and I find the trend weight it gives can be quite reassuring if I have an upward blip
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