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Weekly Poll

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What kind of meals do you have on a Fast Day?

Poll ended at 17 Oct 2014, 17:11

I mostly cook from scratch on the day
I mostly prepare food ahead of time
I mostly eat ready meals
I have a combination of home cooked & ready meals
I mostly eat out/get a takeaway
No votes
I don't eat on a fast day!
Total votes : 121

I don't eat breakfast or lunch on fast days and have a light dinner...probably a protein and some steamed vegetables. I find this works best for me. Also make sure no sugar and no bread. Oh and lots of water... I'm a newbie so still learning!
My OH & I eat only eat dinner on fast days & to speed eating ( because we are hungry by evening ) & to clarify calories eaten we have for several months now eaten M & S Fuller Longer meals. They are nutritionally complete & allow me an apple for pudding & my OH some full fat yoghurt with a banana for pudding. I also 4:3 so have another one on Wednesday with my OH also having breakfast & lunch as on a normal day for him but I 16:8 on eating days. When low carbing I suppose the Fuller Longer meals may have too many carbs? But are all below 500 calories.
One of the nights I fast, I usually cook something healthy for myself at home. The other night, I get a custom salad from this deli I go to!
I selected cook from fresh but really do a mixture. I tend to buy a really small lunch (handfull of mixed dry salad/small spoon of chicken ceasar salad) and then cook the evening meal. Either fish and veg or chicken and veg/salad.
I answered 'prepare meals ahead of time' but I wasn't sure whether to tick that or 'mix of home cooked and ready meals', because I always have the same - a salad at about 2pm which I prepare first thing in the morning, and a soup in the evening. (My husband and I share a carton which works out at about 150 cals each - our favourites are Provender soups - I don't make the soup from scratch so I suppose this counts as a ready meal??) Interesting to see the results though - I'm surprised how many people have said they prepare food on the day, I'd find that hard I think!
I LOVE Foul @janeg !!
I chose 'I do not eat' as at the moment I'm trying a liquids only fast day. I'm in the Xmas challenge and trying for 2lbs a week so figure saving myself an extra 1500 over my 3 fast days (doing 4:3) will do nothing but help!! :)

However, I have some 'meal replacement' packs left over from a previous abstinence diet and have thought about using them up on a fast day. Nutritionally balanced and 200 cals a pack, I thought I would have 2 at the same time for my supper.
Does anyone else use 'meal replacement' packs or Protein Powder smoothies for that matter?

JB x
I chose cooking but its not really cooking!
I do the same thing every fast day:
1 boiled egg @ 10-11 am (whenever I start to feel unwell)
Americano at a café @ 1pm -
boiled egg 2 @ 2-3 (whenever I start to feel unwell)
Miso packet (28 cals) with fresh baby spinach (40-50g?) @3-4
exercise : (helps fill time until dinner!)
5-6:30ish : run 5-7 miles
6:30-7:30 weights
Dinner @7:30-8 : Soup made with 2 cups water (so makes huge bowl) from 150g of tofu/prawns plus fresh veg, coriander, fish sauce, lemon juice etc - @ 300 cals

Maybe now its getting to summer, I'll start with salads instead of soup, but the soup is great because so filling
I voted that I don't eat anything on my fast days. I like tea and coffee so I drink those and I have milk so I count the calories of the milk. I find counting calories and making 500cal food choices way too demanding and I get stressed so I just don't eat. I initially started this WOE without seeing the documentary or any knowledge of 5:2 WOE etc. I was fed up of being on Dukan and so many other restrictive eating plans that were NOT working and decided that I was just not going to eat every alternate day…. I started out by not eating anything and even after reading about the 500 cal day I just carried on not eating. By the way I cook every single day of my life for OH (desperately trying to gain weight) and daughter, and I cook rice/roti and stews, curries, roasts and all sorts, and i don't cook anything special for myself this way i have less pressure.
I also voted for cook from scratch on the day, but I also sometimes freeze aliquots of things I've made from scratch. Very occasionally I'll have some minimally processed food from the shop, like cottage cheese. I try hard to stay away from overly processed, preservative-laden ready meals, though I appreciate how convenient they are.
Out of necessity due to my work I have a ready meal on fast days, from m&s feel fuller range and if I'm really struggling a weight watchers soup. In the past I tried cooking from scratch but I found that trying to work out portions in order to stick to proper calories made me fail. With ready meal it's all portioned and counted for you.
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