There's an interesting article in the NY Times about exercise and weight maintenance: ... ealth&_r=0
based on this study:
Evidently, NEAT goes down on maintenance of weight loss, in addition to having a lower TDEE due to a lower weight. Perhaps it's part of the body's response to weight loss. However, if you exercise, particularly weight training, NEAT does not go down significantly. Perhaps this is why 90whatever% of people on the National Weight Control Registry exercise about an hour a day to maintain their radical weight loss!
based on this study:
Evidently, NEAT goes down on maintenance of weight loss, in addition to having a lower TDEE due to a lower weight. Perhaps it's part of the body's response to weight loss. However, if you exercise, particularly weight training, NEAT does not go down significantly. Perhaps this is why 90whatever% of people on the National Weight Control Registry exercise about an hour a day to maintain their radical weight loss!