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5:2 Cookery Discussion, Tips & Ideas

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Coconut oil and butter
28 Jun 2013, 19:03
Waitrose has supplied me with a delightful jar of coconut oil, wonderful on my hair and skin but not so good in the mouth, just too oily.
So I have gone a bit nuts (sic) and ordered Artisana coconut butter, highly recommended all over the interweb, and also Palmers coconut oil formula shampoo because I realised that, having soaked my head in the oil for an hour, I was washing it off with harsh chemicals.
Hoping for this all to be wonderful and worth the £20 outlay!
Anyone out there been there and done this?
Re: Coconut oil and butter
29 Jun 2013, 07:55
Um ... Okaaaaaay then. No one picking up. Not to worry. On my own with this one then. Hey ho :0@
Re: Coconut oil and butter
29 Jun 2013, 08:25
I have very, very long hair, it tickles just below my coxis.I usually wash my hair then when its still towel damp I rub coconut oil into the bottom foot or so . It really really helps to keep my hair shiny. I have had less breakages as well due to it. I also use it as an all over body oil. There are hundreds of uses for coconut oil, I will have a look for the link to the page with it on.
One is as a cooking oil, very healthy.
Re: Coconut oil and butter
29 Jun 2013, 08:29
I couldn't find my original list but here is "333 uses for coconut oil". ... t-Oil.html
Re: Coconut oil and butter
29 Jun 2013, 08:30
I really liked the coconut oil from Waitrose actually, though I couldn't eat it by the spoonful. I am replacing half the butter in cakes etc with coconut oil, frying with it and generally using it instead poked hard fats. I'm also using it to moisturize my skin and like Julie on my hair. Love the smell of coconut!
Re: Coconut oil and butter
29 Jun 2013, 08:54
I haven't used coconut oil on my hair, good idea!
I do have palmers coconut shampoo and conditioner, and I use coconut oil all of the time in cooking. I also use it on my daughter's bum when she has nappy rash, it's great for that and antibacterial too!
Re: Coconut oil and butter
29 Jun 2013, 11:57
I use coconut oil on my hair. I've never tried the Palmers shampoo but I stopped using their body oil and body creams as they made me crave chocolate! I would wake up in the night having been dreaming of chocolate and absolutely craving it. Realised it was the warm, melted chocolate smell from the cocoa butter!

I do like coconut oil on my feet but I recommend wearing socks to bed. The first time I tried it I didn't bother and, when nature called in the night, I shot across the tiled floor like Bambi on ice!
Re: Coconut oil and butter
29 Jun 2013, 15:18
I do like the sound of coconut BUTTER. where do you get that? is it more palatable than the oil, which can be a bit cloying? At present I only use the oil in 1 of my morning coffees and 1 evening cocoa, which is sufficient daily intake, I think. I am using Blue Dragon thickened coconut cream as a dressing for deserts in place of double cream, and Blue Dragon creamed coconut reconstituted with 400ml hot water to make fibre rich milk. This is all to help wean me off the dairy double cream and 10% cream Greek yogurt that I want to cut down on.
The blocks of creamed coconut are so scrumptious that I nibble at them when reconstituting them! Just a minor naughty habit, don't you think?
Re: Coconut oil and butter
29 Jun 2013, 16:15
The butter seems very tricky to buy generally in the uk so I ordered mine through Amazon, thus helping Moogie and this site too! I have been reading round the web about this and the difference to coconut oil is that the butter contains about 65% oil with the meat from the nut, so there is more protein etc too.
I'll let you know how it is when I get it, though around £12-15 is a LOT for a 16 oz jar, so it better be amazing.

Many thanks for all your responses and the very interesting 333 uses link.

I'd like to make the toothpaste and see if it helps my bleeding gums too. Certainly rubbing it on my skin at night is wonderful, and leaving it in my long frizzy hair for an hour before washing it has improved it enormously.
I intend to mix the butter in with my morning natural yogurt and milled flaxseed, and as a spread on matzos (I'm trying to avoid bread, sugar, refined carbs).

It is, quite literally, all good :0D
Re: Coconut oil and butter
29 Jun 2013, 17:01
Azureblue and everyone reading this, it's me, 140lbs, not 139lbs, that was a temporary name I had to use when my blog was corrupted a few weeks ago!! However--this is my point.
I was so interested in the thought of coconut butter, that I popped into the kitchen to experiment with some desiccated, unsweetened coconut and the tasteless cheepo KTC that I was just using to cook with. I put 300g of the dry stuff in my Vitamix; added 3 Tablespoons of the hard oil, wizzed up for about 5 minutes until it all liquified, poured into a pyrex, cooled and solidified it in the fridge, and HEY PRESTO!! the loveliest tasting concoction in which to eat coconut oil by the spoonful Yes, there will be some CHO, but tons of fibre along with it. I will add to my yogurt tomorrow, if I can wait that long. So cheap to make, and I have been assured from other postings on the forum, that the benefits of the cheap KTC oil are the same as the more perfumed, expensive virgin oil, so I think I am to a winner here.
Re: Coconut oil and butter
29 Jun 2013, 17:12
140lbs, coconut really is magically delicious. I had some coconut oil in coffee the other day like you suggested, and I loved it! No ill effects, perhaps because I have grown accustomed to using it in cooking by now.

The homemade coconut butter you invented sounds great, I'll try it.

A summertime recipe I love is taking cream of coconut, adding just a bit of vanilla, and freezing it, taking it out to stir it regularly to prevent crystallization, and eating it when it has the consistency of soft serve ice cream.

I used to eat that as a special dairy free treat, but I felt that it was too fatty to eat regularly. Now I'm thinking I ought to eat it more often. :smile:
Re: Coconut oil and butter
29 Jun 2013, 17:28
Thanks glassmarble.
I have come to the conclusion that there are more good fats that I have steered away from unnecessarily. I have always loved everything coconut, but believed the untrue hype about the saturated fat element. But no more.
I am now eating avocados frequently, instead of mayonnaise previously, because the ripe avocado acts as a lovely dressing on my sprouted seeds.
I still can't manage olive oil though, so add whole olives to my salads, in the hope that there is still healthy oil inside them, along with fibre. (I wipe off as much of the 'vegetable oil' that they are bottled in, because I have no idea what type it is,) I still use Helmann's Real full fat Mayo from time to time, but it is made with rapeseed oil, and I am falling out of love with rapeseed.
What other natural foods contain good fats? Can't think of any more.
Re: Coconut oil and butter
29 Jun 2013, 18:38
I haven't tried coconut butter. It sounds good, but I don't often use butter on things except cooked veggies. Does it taste good on them?

I use coconut oil on my hair, to remove make-up, moisturize my face and body, and even for my deodorant. I've also used it with a bit of turmeric mixed in for cuts and scratches that are sore or infected. Helps them heal faster. Sometimes I use it in my cooking too! :P
Re: Coconut oil and butter
25 Jul 2013, 20:21
I am fascinated by reading the posts in this forum - I had no idea!! Now I'm going to use a well known site to glean some more information!! As a former "beach babe" the most I've ever used coconut oil is for slathering on my body to sit in the sun, but that was about 30 years ago when we didn't know any better!!! 140lbs olive oil is delicious if you get a really good brand. I have to say I'm still going through a bottle of "home grown olive" oil I brought back from a friend's in Corfu last year, and it really is delicious with some fresh bread dipped in. I know, I know the bread and the associated carbs aren't brilliant but just occasionally?
Re: Coconut oil and butter
25 Jul 2013, 20:45
I you put hot black coffee and coconut oil in blender it comes out like milky coffee an sweet too so no added sugar needed. I also put in smoothies. With the blender method there are no oil slicks!
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