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5:2 Cookery Discussion, Tips & Ideas

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I am sat here with a yogurt face pack because i stupidly tried to crush some dried chilli's with my fingers. The dust unbeknownst to me had puffed up and settled all over my face and in my eyes and nose. As soon as my eyes and nose started watering, it wetted the rest of the chilli dust around my mouth and under my eys, when I rubbed thinking it was just an itch I transferred wetness all over my face, even to my ear lobes.

I've tried washing my face to dissolve the oils but no real effect, so someone has suggested milk. As i would drown face down in the milk, a yogurt face pack is the next best bet.

My biggest problem is its a fast day and i keep licking my lips.

Please excuse any typo's, I can't put my glasses on as its too sore, so i can't see the screen very well.

I just hope none of it blisters.
Awww Julie! :heart: .. hugs from a distance!
As a chilli sauce maker @Julieathome, I sympathise. I am now immune to chillies, onions and all forms of veggie nasties. I wish you a speedy recovery x
I'll remember that when the other half chops chillies, and then forgets................ :wink:
OMG!! :shock:

I hope the yoghurt worked and your face has recovered...update us please!
Gahhh, can easily imagine the pain cause some years ago I harvested all my chills (grown in my green house) and decided to dry them in the hot air oven. I just put all sorts together - habanero, black bonnet, jalapeño, Hungarian hot was etc etc in one pan and into the oven. Imagine what happened when I opened the door? First severe coughing and then I almost couldn't breed. Chili oils seem to be airborn as well and can be inhaled. Never done that again. Now I bring my plants indoors at this time of the year and can harvest them as I need. The hottest one I sawed this year was what I think is called Hot Cayenne. At least that's what the plant stick say ;)
Big hugs from here as well
Hope you feel better, please give us some update
The yogurt seemed to have worked, I had a decent nights sleep. I just feel as if I have a touch of sunburn on my left cheek. So the damage wasn't severe.
On the subject of chilli plants, can I dig my little bushes up and over winter them in pots. Would that work indoors, or could I keep them outside. Or should I just leave them in the ground and wrap them in fleece?
Don't know about chilli plants but glad the yoghurt worked and you're feeling better, Julie. I winced in sympathy when I read your first post - I once chopped green chillies and then rubbed my eyes. It's a mistake you don't make twice! I still use a lot of chillies in my cooking but now I manically wash my hands every time I touch the chillies or the knife that cut the chillies or the chopping board or ...... you get the picture!

My other bugbear is chopping onions - someone else mentioned being immune to them - I wish I was. Anyone have any tips for chopping onions without floods of tears?
shachat wrote: My other bugbear is chopping onions - someone else mentioned being immune to them - I wish I was. Anyone have any tips for chopping onions without floods of tears?

@shachat, My mom swears that if you don't open your mouth (no talking or mouth breathing) while you chop you won't get tears. I keep my mouth shut while chopping and rarely get tears, I don't think I'm immune because I can still feel a sting once in a while with a really strong onion. :wink:

Julie, I'm so glad the yogurt mask worked!
I generally stand back and work at arms length when chopping onions. That seems to stop bad onion tears.
Oh hun! I'm so sorry. I really hope the face mask help. I can't imagine how sore you must feel, I know what chilli does to my mouth!!
Bring them indoors, in a light and airy place; they'll thank you for it (and burn your face again next year!)
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