The FastDay Forum

General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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It's so nice to see so many familiar faces here!
I started in April 2013, lost 10 kg by July 2013, and have been battling weight gain ever since, 2015 has been especially hard :(
I'm now about 3 kg over my revised target (5 kilos over my July 2013 weight), I would like to get back there but am finding it hard to fast at the moment. I have had some success with an eating window, I just need to make that an everyday occurrence and not something I do a couple of times a week if I want to get back to target. Another problem is too much sitting, when I started 5:2 my daughter was an active toddler at home, so I rarely sat down, but I started my own business 2 years ago and my daughter started nursery, which means that my days are now spent sitting at my desk, time to get back into fasting and look into that standing desk in the new year I think!
Hi guys, I am the relative newcomer here with my 2 year anniversary next year in January. I came upon 52 when someone on another forum mentioned it and I found you through Google, well I have lost about 13kg and moved half way across the world. I also discovered Park run here and if all goes well I will do number 50 on 9 Jan.
Great to see so many of you doing so well.
Thanks for all your friendship and support, Merry Christmas.
It IS good to see so many familiar friends here.
I started 5:2 and found this forum back in April, 2013, like several others--perhaps not so coincidentally after the NY Times published its first article on the subject in March, '13. Since then, I've lost 14 pounds and achieved my goal of wearing size 12 (US) instead of 14. As a result of knowledge gained here, I've gone much lower carb (no potatoes, rice, or pasta--I do eat some bread--mostly multi-grain sourdough) and I no longer worry about trying to be low-fat. OH eats the same way now, too. Our blood work over the summer past showed that we both not only did not have an increase in the "bad" lipids, but that virtually all our values in every measure improved!

I've been very inactive (absent) from the forum for the last four months (forum fatigue??) :oops: , but now I find I'm missing my forum friends. I'll try now to be a better participant :smile:

Thank you @Pennyforthem for starting this thread!
Maryann, thank you for your feedback.
Hello everyone and thank you to @pennyforthem for starting this thread. It's lovely to catch to with you all as I very rarely come here now. I started 5:2 on April 1st 2013 and am the fasting twin of @wendyjane I too lost 21lb in the first 9 1/2 months and have maintained ever since. During the lead up to Christmas I have put on 4lb due to many meals out but am not at all concerned about this as I know that I have the tools to get back to target and I will. I generally eat within a window, do 5:2, low carb and MFP. Sometimes all at the same time and sometimes I mix it up, just as the mood takes me.
One of the best things I learned during my journey was to not bother with low fat foods. I really enjoy a small portion of Total full fat Greek yoghurt most days. On non fast days I eat it at lunchtime and it does away with any temptation to snack during the afternoon. During the almost 3 years that I have been here I have made many online friends and have learned so much from them all.
This year my dd started university, I have started again to crochet after a break of many years and always have at least one (several) project on the go. I have also dabbled with a bit of chalk painting old furniture.
wendyjane wrote: the menopausal waist is a myth. Really!

@wendyjane I know you wrote this on 19th December, but I haven't logged in until now. You cheer me up, as quite a few people I know have definitely thickened, so I thought it was inevitable!
I still feel like a new newbie :oops: I started 52 2 years ago 30th December 2013, one year losing and now one year maintaining - YES! I have met many good friends on the journey who have stirred me and helped me, and I thank you all. :heart:
Love and thanks to @Moogie and 52 team x
It is lovely to read all these positive posts, and see familiar faces popping up. Thanks for starting it @PennyForthem .

My NY resolution was to join this forum. I have been lurking here almost daily since April 2013!

My name is Merry, and I am another Melbourne-ite. In 2016 I will be turning 60 - how did that happen!! :?: - so that event is motivation for me to keep on track this year.

My 5:2 journey: I am a short people tent candidate, at just 5ft tall. I started 5:2 in April 2013 at 116lbs, and reached my goal of 100lbs in 6 months. I did standard 5:2 - with just small lunch and then dinner. I maintained around 100 - 102lbs by still do 5:2 - but having a few more treats. Around mid 2015 I fell off the wagon a bit, and after this silly season I am up to 106lbs. And it shows! Tight and lumpy clothes.

My resolution in joining the forum is take part in conversations, and be accountable through my tracker so that I can reach 60 in better shape. :victory:

I have really enjoyed reading all your posts and following your journeys. This forum has given me so much support and good ideas, which has been so helpful.

May 2016 bring you all happy 5:2ing!
Merry (ex-lurker)
P.S. If there are any other long-time lurkers out there maybe you can join me! :like:
Not a regular poster but I dip in and out of the forum. In May 2013 I weighed 4 stone more than I do now. I reached my goal around September 2014 and have been maintaining since then. Like @Chris P the weight loss is still a constant source of happiness to me, having been overweight nearly all of my adult life. Taking comfort in @wendyjane saying the menopausal waist is a myth. I do hope so because I'm at that stage in my life. Back on the forum today to psyche myself up to lose the 5lbs I've put on over Christmas and the New Year. I have maintained by doing 16:8 but know that a number of serious 500 cal fasts are called for in the next few weeks. First one happens tomorrow!
Started 5:2 soon after the TV program and lost half a stone very quickly. However, that half stone has gone on and off several times since then mostly due to holidays. I could always take the weight of until last Feb
when the post holiday weight would not budge whatever I did. I blamed it on extra muscle due to the amount of exercise I was doing but in reality it was due to not following 5:2 properly and several trips to France where the temptations of cheese and wine defeats me. I now have 6 weeks before we go away again so am determined to loose that wretched half stone again.
Hi everyone! I joined in March 2013 and have been enjoying the wit and wisdom of you all for a long time. :grin: I am 67, and in my experience the menopause waist can appear, but it can and does disappear as well. Thank you 5:2! :victory: Once I lost most of my weight, I've hovered around 9 stone 8 lb.most of the time with some ups and downs. Right now, I'm up a few pounds, but I'm pretty sure it will come down with more regular fasting. :smile: I'm still doing zumba and walking for exercise, but it is time to do more strength work--I was always strong and don't like not being strong. :frown:
In this time, my daughter has almost finished law school, my husband is dealing with RA issues, and we are looking to go a bit more Paleo to address inflammation issues. I think my success in sticking close to my goal weight along with healthful eating and exercise has encouraged my sisters and nieces to commit to work at changing the way they eat and stay fit.
It was fun the other night when we had some visitors that we really like, a couple (same age as we are) that we'd met about a year ago. My husband always loves to tell people that I used to weigh a lot more and had lost weight, gotten fitter, and was maintaining. The guy commented that he couldn't believe that I had ever been heavy and asked how much I had weighed and how I'd lost it. It was a sincere question, so I answered candidly. I had been pretty slim and fit until I was about 45. Then, menopause, work stress, poor eating and inactivity led to many pounds (187 at highest)and a menopausal waist! :bugeyes: I started cutting back and moving more, but it was not until zumba and 5:2 that I got a handle on things.
Now, I look back at those heavy days as a sort of aberration, one that I don't want to repeat. It is such a relief to feel that I absolutely can stay slim! :wink:
You are wonderful--kind, supportive and wise. Have a wonderful 2016! :clover:
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