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5:2 and Paleo
11 May 2014, 20:38
2 weeks of not shifting anything has irritated me.

This week I am going to combine a paleo diet with 5:2, and I am hoping it will kickstart some loss again. Even half a pound would be nice.

My plan is to have a green juice in the mornings made with spinach, watermelon, ginger, celery, cucumber (sounds great, huh? :cool: )

Then mint tea til dinner (on fast days), which is going to be grilled meat or fish and salad. I am very confident that will be well within my 500cal limit.

I am not sure how sustainable paleo is for me in the long term - I like me some potatoes way too much :wink: Having said that, a load of my friends are paleo converts and tell me you really don't miss the carbs after a few weeks.

Does anyone have any thoughts or experience of doing this? Anything I should look out for? I have never had so much veg in my fridge, that's for sure.
Re: 5:2 and Paleo
11 May 2014, 21:08
Watch out for the screaming 'carb flu' the first 7-10 days, strong craving for carbs, dizzys and headaches, maybe shakes, anger/bad moods, it can be bad. A bit like drug withdrawal it's said, plenty on Google about it.
Get through that, and it may not be that bad for you, and you'll feel better, energetic, clear-headed. Don't over-do protein (temptingly easy) and dairy like cheese.
Marksdailyapple website is always full of useful info too.
Good luck :0)
Re: 5:2 and Paleo
11 May 2014, 21:24
Thank you SO much for this Azureblue, I had no idea about the 'carb flu'! Off to Google now :)
Re: 5:2 and Paleo
11 May 2014, 22:03
Careful about cutting out entire food groups - sometimes it backfires, and you wind up with intolerances.
I follow a lot of paleo food blogs (some amazing recipes out there) but will also eat potatoes, rice, pasta, use flour to bake and eat bread if I feel like it. Moderation :D
Re: 5:2 and Paleo
12 May 2014, 05:33 ... ?cid=23230
Just came across this recipe from a Paleo cook book. Sounds nice.
Re: 5:2 and Paleo
12 May 2014, 06:30
I did paleo for most of last year. Lost weight, felt great without grains and sugar. Put it all back on when I stopped. Good luck :like:
Re: 5:2 and Paleo
12 May 2014, 06:38
Take a pinch of sceptic salt and yes, the screaming carb withdrawal may kick in. It does with me everytime I try and go low carb. Have plenty of those lovely fats that our paleo ancestors wouldn't have had, avocadoes, cream etc etc!!
Re: 5:2 and Paleo
12 May 2014, 08:30
Avocados, coconut butter by the teaspoon full, unsalted pure butter slathered on fresh vegetables, these are a few of my favourite things ...
Re: 5:2 and Paleo
12 May 2014, 08:36
rawkaren wrote: I did paleo for most of last year. Lost weight, felt great without grains and sugar. Put it all back on when I stopped. Good luck :like:

How's it going m'dear? I hope your OH is getting better and life is treating you well. It's when Life gets in the way and good intentions fly out the door that grains and sugar are oh so readily available. I jump start my reset with a 24 hour fast, like today after a weekend of grandson-minding that included lemon cake!
Take care of yourselves one and all :0)
Re: 5:2 and Paleo
12 May 2014, 09:10
I toy with paleo. I was veggie for 24 years and then read that made me realise how processed and fake a lot of meat substitutes or veghie protien sources are. Now I try to fill my diet with fresh fruit, veg and meat. Isn't that what all the nutritional experts say. It is hard to be completely paleo, as I am even more difficult to cater for than when I wad veggie! So, I dont worry about it too much when I am eating out or visiting.

Azureblue wrote: Watch out for the screaming 'carb flu' the first 7-10 days, strong craving for carbs, dizzys and headaches, maybe shakes, anger/bad moods, it can be bad. A bit like drug withdrawal it's said..

Wow @Azureblue, I had no idea and probably often get this as I am on and off with flour/bread. I kept thinking I was low in iron, though GP checks never showed anything.
Re: 5:2 and Paleo
12 May 2014, 09:35
Azureblue wrote: Avocados, coconut butter by the teaspoon full, unsalted pure butter slathered on fresh vegetables, these are a few of my favourite things ...

Re: 5:2 and Paleo
12 May 2014, 09:35
Azureblue wrote:
rawkaren wrote: I did paleo for most of last year. Lost weight, felt great without grains and sugar. Put it all back on when I stopped. Good luck :like:

How's it going m'dear? I hope your OH is getting better and life is treating you well. It's when Life gets in the way and good intentions fly out the door that grains and sugar are oh so readily available. I jump start my reset with a 24 hour fast, like today after a weekend of grandson-minding that included lemon cake!
Take care of yourselves one and all :0)

Doing ok. Back on the fasting wagon today. Going fine so far. Enjoying being hungry. OH procedure didn't work so he is back at the hospital today looking at other options. I"m at work so unfortunately can't be there. At least I'm in the same country though :bugeyes:
Re: 5:2 and Paleo
12 May 2014, 10:04
I think there are lots of great things about the paleo movement, but it's well to be aware that the idea that we have not evolved since paleo times is clearly wrong. The ability to tolerate lactose is a recent development in evolutionary terms and around 25% of the world's population are now able to tolerate lactose into adulthood.

Secondly, in paleo times people ate different things according to where they lived and some may well have eaten cereals and other carbohydrate sources. Some people are certainly more tolerant of carbs than others. If you shun all cereals you may get low in biotin and other B vitamins so it is worth ensuring you have a good intake of these.

20g of carbs is very low indeed and I don't think you need to keep that low long term unless you are diabetic or pre-diabetic or have very bad insulin resistance. For most people, 100-150g of carbs per day is OK. But see how you go.

But the general idea that modern life is not so healthy is, of course, spot on!
Re: 5:2 and Paleo
12 May 2014, 10:10
DRawkaren quote: "Doing ok. Back on the fasting wagon today. Going fine so far. Enjoying being hungry. OH procedure didn't work so he is back at the hospital today looking at other options. I"m at work so unfortunately can't be there. At least I'm in the same country though :bugeyes:[/quote]"

Sending hugs {{{+}}} and very best wishes for caring clever doctors and hoping all shall be well x
Re: 5:2 and Paleo
12 May 2014, 13:02
I don't think I am cut out for paleo in it's purest form... after all, a life without houmous is no life whatsoever.

But I do eat too much bread, and I really feel bloated after it. I get carb face, and I feel sluggish. So it won't hurt to cut right back on that. I have a lot of friends who eat a paleo diet who have said they just don't fancy bread or pasta anymore.

Moderation is definitely key, and clean eating definitely appeals to me, so we'll see how I go I guess :)

So far I've had my green juice for breakfast, a coffee without sugar (new for me) and a pot of mint tea. It's a fasting day so I won't have anything else until dinner when It's going to be grilled chicken and salad.

I will be well within my 500 cals.
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