Have you had any reason to tell your doctor or GP of your new lifestyle involving intermittent fasting in whichever variation you have chosen.
Dd they know about 5:2.. (has all the media hype reached the general medical community yet?)
What was their reaction?
Did you find your doctor recommending for or against your new lifestyle.
Did any doctor suggest ideas or indeed variations on 5:2 to assist?
Has anybody surprised their doctor by a great new lower weight/blood pressure or other medical test but said nothing about 5:2 till they said to you.. "Wow... look at your results.... what have you been doing to achieve such great results".
Dd they know about 5:2.. (has all the media hype reached the general medical community yet?)
What was their reaction?
Did you find your doctor recommending for or against your new lifestyle.
Did any doctor suggest ideas or indeed variations on 5:2 to assist?
Has anybody surprised their doctor by a great new lower weight/blood pressure or other medical test but said nothing about 5:2 till they said to you.. "Wow... look at your results.... what have you been doing to achieve such great results".