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16 Dec 2013, 18:22
Every time I see cute cats on folks' avatars, had one myself until recently, I am always taken back to the day I was visiting my mother whilst she was banged up in the local nursing home. The staff there are mostly Filipino and such a delightful bunch of people, I got on really well with them and a few are still friends to this day. Now, having travelled quite extensively round the globe, I do understand that different cultures embrace different ideas of acceptable behaviour, both socially and personally. Armed with this knowledge I’m not often surprised by the habits of foreigners. I was nonetheless still taken aback by Jun when I popped in one day to see my mother. Jun is Filipino and he is called Jun because his real name is Junior, at least I think it’s his real name! Anyway, Jun told me that he was not feeling well. When I asked what the problem was he told me that it was something to do with his nose, there was pain inside his nose. now, his English is O.K. if you need to be taken to the toilet or want a cup of tea and if you wish to partake of your hot tea whilst enjoying the pleasures of cool white porcelain beneath your posterior then Jun is the man for the job. He has a way with tea and toilet tissue that is unparalleled in the western hemisphere. However, if you fancy an in depth discussion on Darwin’s theory of evolution or Fermat's last theorem then you really have to find someone else. With this in mind I decided that perhaps he may have been struggling to remember the word ‘sinus’ so I suggested that perhaps that was what his problem was. No, it wasn’t sinusitis. He had a cat up his nose.
“You have a cat up your nose?”
“Yes, a cat.”
“A cat?”
“Yes, a cat.”
“How did a cat get up your nose?”
“I did it, there was much blood”
"Bloomin' heck, I bet there was."
Now Jun is a big lad with big features, including his nose, but even I could see that large as his nostrils were, there was no way that even the smallest kitten could be accommodated up there. It didn’t matter how many times we did the “Cat?” “ Yes cat” routine I was no nearer solving this conundrum. This was where the cultural differences were kicking in. Orientals have quite a different attitude to animals than us Occidentals. The British cannot understand why anyone would ever be cruel to animals; that’s what they have children for! Our pets are sometimes treated better than our offspring, and quite right too. We all know that the Chinese and Koreans eat their dogs but I never knew that the Filipinos did such dastardly deeds to their feline friends. I had to get to the bottom of this one.
“Jun, are you really telling me that you’ve shoved a bleeding pussy cat up your nose?
Oh dear,I instantly regretted this line of interrogation when he asked,
‘What is pussy?”
I immediately, and with great difficulty, expunged all words from my mind which could be construed as anything other than inoffensive. How did I get myself into this one? More to the point, how was I going to get myself out of it?
“You know what a pussy cat is? Small, furry, rubs against your legs, likes to be scratched?”
“No.” we go again, be a little less vague, be more precise,
“They have four legs, a tail and they meow?”
“Ah, a cat?”
“Yes, a pussy cat.” Phew!
“No, no, no. The hair in my nose was itching me so I stuck some scissors up there to trim and I cat myself. It now is very sore, this cat!”
What a relief to hear that there isn’t some little kitten staggering around covered in blood and snot and short of one life. It took quite some time to explain that ‘cut’ and ‘cat’ are two very different things. I didn’t bother to explain that ‘pussy’ is something else entirely.

Ballerina x :heart:
16 Dec 2013, 18:27
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: You really are priceless Ballerina. Is there no end to your talents? Here have a cocktail :drink: :drink: :drink: :drink: :drink: :drink:
16 Dec 2013, 18:35
:lol: Thanks Ballerina, just what I needed, another belly laugh. :lol:
16 Dec 2013, 18:43
It could only happen to you @Ballerina :grin: :grin:
On a similar note I remember my dad telling me he'd been proudly practising his Italian and horrifying the waiter by ordering 'Gatto' (cat) instead of 'Gateau' :shock:
16 Dec 2013, 22:08
This seems like an appropriate time to tell you that the black cat in my avatar is nicknamed Ballerina. Every time she stretches, one leg pops up in back in a kitty arabesque. So she's Ballerina, or sometimes Tiny Dancer.
16 Dec 2013, 22:13
ahahahaha Ballerina, that's a classic one!
16 Dec 2013, 22:16
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

Keep 'em coming Ballerina :like: :lol: :wink:
16 Dec 2013, 22:34
Love it.
16 Dec 2013, 22:39
Haha I needed that laugh! Thanks Ballerina!!!
16 Dec 2013, 22:47
That was very funny B!
This is my cat's tale Bal and its a christmassy one!
years ago, my elderly neighbour died and I wanted to take in her cat
However Cat didnt want to know..several of the neighbours were feeding him but nobody could coax him into their houses...he hung round his front door and window ledge sadly waiting for mum to return :(
It got to Christmas Eve and i was determined puss was going to be in the warmth with us..i had bought lots of catty treats for him and hatched a plan..
I went outside with a large bag that had a zip along the top and i grabbed the cat and started stuffing him into my big bag, trying at the same time to zip it up..the cat was fighting to escape my grasp but i persevered...
As i was grappling with Pusscat,a man passed by and remarked,
" Why dont you just get a turkey like everyone else!" :grin: :lol: :grin: :lol:
16 Dec 2013, 22:58
Nudged by your talk of cats I looked around for ours, and found her in her new favourite place. Inside the washing machine on the small pile of dirty clothes in there.

It has to be the smelly socks.
17 Dec 2013, 05:35
Think I mentioned somewhere last week out of the corner of my eye I saw our cat, who is very curious, climbed all the way into the dishwasher. The door was down flat and I had just emptied the machine. Luckily I spotted the tail as I was about to close the door. Curiosity killed the cat!! This cat of ours a pretty ginger tom you often see him craning his neck to catch a glimpse of the action going on outside. It is very cute to see this behaviour

Ballerina I am lost for words
17 Dec 2013, 08:25
gillymary wrote:
"Ballerina I am lost for words"
.......................... :?:

Well, that must be a first :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Ballerina x :heart:
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