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The cellulite looking stuff. The empty fat cells that the body fills with water for a while, just in case you might need them again. Its started. The bat wings are already floppy, but now the thighs have joined in.

When I was fatter I actually had smooth thighs, because all the fat cells were bursting with jellified, oozing FAT. Now the cells, enough of them anyway, are full of less solid water, some of the cells have collapsed and will be slowly absorbed by the body. So I have lumpy horrid cellulite thighs and I'm as happy as a lamb in spring time.

I'm FINALLY losing weight from my thighs and stomach, instead of my face and boobs. The stomach is looking like a topographical model of the Grand canyon and all its tributaries, all wrinkly and folded, with the stretch marks all starting to shrink and turn white. Again, I'm still happy.

My skin will never truly recover from the abuse I have put it through, but my body will thank me, hopefully with a healthier and longer life.
Hi Julie yes I'm in exactly the same position my self :like: so when we have our beautiful bodies and also a healthy BMI :heart: we'll have to go to the doc and ask for a few tucks !!! Personally I don't stand a cat in hells chance with that one ( but I can dream )
For me it was always firstly about weight loss secondly health, so as I lose even more weight and start to look more like a patchwork quilt I will gladly wear long sleeves etc to cover up rather than gain it all back on again NoooWay. when its gone its staying away :clover: Sue
All this is excellent news Julie :) :) :)

As you well know, you'll get though that phase eventually (& boy does it take a long time), but I bet that in the meantime OH is thrilled with the ever-decreasing-you :heart:

Onwards & downwards m'dear
Don't forget the cold showers, if you can manage them! :-)
Also... that's what shapewear is made for.

Enjoy your success, your skin will soon follow the rest of you and you will look fab!
My arms are finally beginning to shrink, I remember one day they suddenly sprouting a million bright red stretch marks as the skin finally gave up its battle and admitted defeat, I will never wear vest tops, but even so I can't help but delight in my changing figure, I do feel like I am getting back to being me again. My confidence has never been an issue with my size as I have never bothered to compare myself to others, but seeing my face and the rest of me shrinking makes me chuffed every time I see myself in the mirror so I share your elation! I can now lie in the bath with nearly my whole tummy covered in water, it's a wondrous thing! Keep going, you are doing so well :0)
I feel like coconut oil has really helped my skin so that it isn't so bumpy. But, those kind of battle scars just mean you are winning the keep calm and carry on! :like:
43tweaker wrote: But, those kind of battle scars just mean you are winning the keep calm and carry on! :like:

Love that description 43 tweaker!
Yes, Julie, it's a small price for the joy of being lighter! Well done.
I've been religiously moisturising every time I have a shower- Moogy made a recommendation a few months ago for the Nivea Q10 firming body cream. It's not expensive and I think it is helping.( At my age of 57 -hey- there's going to be wrinkles! :wink:
I'm going away this weekend and have had to scour the wardrobe and drawers for clothes to wear. So I had a mass trying on session yesterday. I must have been fooling myself as to what size I actually was for a long, long time. Because now those tops FIT, I actually have a waist, its still a very big waist, but I go in above the hips when you look at me from the front instead of being an imitation of the Michelin man. The tops also go down further because they are not being pushed outward and upward by the stomach. Its a great feeling, to be able to wiggle and see something happen that isn't related to tidal forces in a bowl of jelly.

I'm still doing the coconut oil. I have no idea if its helping as I'm not letting one side be without whilst the other receives the benefit, just so I can compare. But, my skin has never been in such great condition, it gleams with health.
Cellulite is partly genetic and you can have it and be VERY thin. According to wikipedia, 80-90 percent of women have it. Read this about connective tissue bands. Hopefully, it will make you feel better! ... .html?_r=0
I'm noticing same thing. Large gross sunken in stretch marks on my boobs. Gross. Glad
I'm losing fat though.
I'm not losing off my boobs, yet. In fact with the loss of back fat, my cup size has increased proportionately. I have told everyone that when I lose weight in my boobs they are going to be large flat pancakes that I will just roll up and sellotape to my chest instead of paying for new bra's.
Julieathome wrote: Its a great feeling, to be able to wiggle and see something happen that isn't related to tidal forces in a bowl of jelly.

LOL! :lol: :lol:

Julieathome wrote: I have told everyone that when I lose weight in my boobs they are going to be large flat pancakes that I will just roll up and sellotape to my chest instead of paying for new bras.

LOL again!!! :lol:

Julie, you really make me giggle!
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