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Amazing how heavy clothes are!
14 Nov 2013, 18:17
I had to quickly test my scales today with their new carpet feet. I was horrified to be 3 and a half pounds heavier than my last weigh in. I decided to weigh again (without any clothes!) and discovered I was 2 pounds lighter. I never realised clothes could weigh so much. I had jeans and a jumper on but even so...

Tomorrow is my proper "weigh-in" day so I shall be standing on the scales with nothing but my smile!!

Bean :bugeyes:
They even increase your waist measurement Bean so use the tape measure as well while you are still starkers after your weigh in :wink:
Clothes and time of day introduce large variations to one's weight - whenever I am weighed at the doctors or the like I am 3-4kgs heavier than 'only one way to weigh and measure' !!

I assume that BMI should be calculated with no clothes on, but given medicos never do this, I am not sure. When I have done an internet search to try to find out advice on what situation you are supposed to be in when you weigh yourself, I have not had any success.

Does anyone know?
I never eat or drink (except a little water, maybe half a coffee) before my annual checkup. I wear my lightest clothes and slip off my shoes, blazer, overshirt, whatever, before getting on the scales. (Summer is good--tank top and very thin silk trousers.) The doc probably takes clothes into account in judging your weight anyway. :)
...but 2 lbs?! Seems crazy to me. Dreading weigh -in tomorrow...gulp!

When people being weighed at the surgery asked me if they should take their shoes off first, maybe I should have said yes...and the rest of your clothes. That would have surprised them wouldn't it!! : :confused:
nursebean wrote: ...but 2 lbs?! Seems crazy to me. Dreading weigh -in tomorrow...gulp!

When people being weighed at the surgery asked me if they should take their shoes off first, maybe I should have said yes...and the rest of your clothes. That would have surprised them wouldn't it!! : :confused:

not forgetting to remove the false teeth, specs, cut toenails... :razz: Sorry! I'm in a silly mood tonight! :wink:
Undies are really light *as long as they arent the leather variety lol ) so I leave them on. but yeah. always weigh without normal clothing particularly in Autumn/Fall/Winter
My lovely mum says "Remember, you're never fulled dressed until you're wearing a smile!"
Sooooooo true. So don't worry Bean, you'll be appropriately dressed when you're on those scales in the morning :grin:
When I use the scales once a month at the chemist it tells you to enter 1.5 kilo to account for clothes. You have to take off shoes and socks and as much as you can get away with in the middle of a shop. :razz:

Chris x
And don't forget to breathe out before you step on :lol:
I never weight myself with clothes on cause I know how mych they add to the weight - much depending on what sorts of clothes.........No buff naked, in the morning in bathroom before stepping into the showers is my thing :)
A little experiment - weigh yourself normally, then again holding the amount of clothes you normally wear, you will be surprised how much more is added!
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