The FastDay Forum

General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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I know that members on the Program have a dedicated section and I am sure there are updates, progress, questions, etc.

However, I am sure some of the other members would like to hear how the group is doing, especially those that were initially thinking of signing up for the first session ??? !!!!!

Any updates :?:
lovemyparrot wrote: I know that members on the Program have a dedicated section and I am sure there are updates, progress, questions, etc.

However, I am sure some of the other members would like to hear how the group is doing, especially those that were initially thinking of signing up for the first session ??? !!!!!

Any updates :?:

Sorry it has been so quiet on that front! The group who started in early January (following Moogie advertising it in the newsletter) is about halfway through their course and are enjoying the process. We have had some really good feedback from them already. There is some information about the program here: that has some reviews left by participants from the trials that took place before Christmas (click on the reviews tab).

We will be running more programs during the year, and will be advertising them via the newsletter and elsewhere or you can leave your email address at to be added to the waiting list.
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