The FastDay Forum

General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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I was at a gathering yesterday and sat to speak with a group of women I didnt really know and within 5 minutes I was shouting the praises of 5-2 for weight loss. In any group there will be one or two that really need to lose weight and even for others its good for health. Out of the 5, one knew of it and one approached me after and said she will try to get her daughter to try it so seemed particularly interested.

Do other people try to spread the "5-2 gospel" to the world?. I know we have spoken in the forum of whether you would tell friends what you are up to (and many do not) but i mean here in a general sense to people you don't normally speak with.
When the dental hygienist asked me about my summer yesterday, I mentioned, among other things, that I lost 10 pounds since mid-April. She was very interested to hear about 5:2 because she needs to lose some weight and is worried about health problems that run in her family. I later sent her the link to the forum. She sent email thanking me.

I don't try to push a discussion on people, but do mention it if they seem interested.
I have post a weight loss status update every Wednesday on my Facebook account. Several family and friends have started doing 5:2 as a result and have asked me all sorts of questions about it. I found out about the diet after my Mum and Dad started doing it. My Uncle also does it.
I mention I fast when it comes up - eg if someone says wow, you've lost weight, or would you like X to eat/drink - but I don't evangelise at all. I've had quite a few friends ask for more info, and then I've told them about it more fully (and sent them a link to this forum).

I do emphasis, that although it works beautifully for me, different things work for different people. There is no one method for weightloss, healthy eating and exercise that will work for everyone.
BruceE just saw this post, looked at me and said "you do!"

heh heh. Guilty as charged.
No....I have had such horrible reactions that people think I will surely die and 7 months in to this I am still here :razz: .....and healthier because of it :wink:
I don't generally talk about it, but I don't want to lie about my weight loss either. I visit my mom at lunch most workdays, and I bring my lunch so she hasn't really noticed that a couple days a week I have a vegetable soup or a salad. But when she told me about an article she read about a similar plan, I told her that I was doing something like that. Of course at the last family get-together she told everyone, so... No one seemed to be freaked out about it, but I don't think anyone was inspired to do it either, even though I've lost 20+ pounds.
I only told a friend about it after she brought it up and I noticed how excited I got talking about it! She may start 5:2 after she gets the OK from her doctor ;)
I don't "evangelise" at parties or gatherings but I would openly talk about it if someone shows interest on their own, or maybe after my weight loss gets noticeable and someone asks how I did it.
I generally only mention it if asked. I get asked alot, though.
It takes all my will power NOT to run up to people I see out walking and say, "do you know about 5:2". So, if anyone mentions diet, weight loss, or comments on my success, my mouth shoots into high gear and spills out every thing I know about 5:2.

My team mates even will comment, oh yes, today is a fast day.
I don't normally mention it but it's amazing how often it comes up in discussion. The train guard spotted me on the forum yesterday and asked me whether I was doing it because she was thinking about it. Last night in a restaurant a colleague announced it was normally his fast day but he was having the night off. Cue lots of closet fasters sharing their success stories!
I try not to mention it especially in front of my daughter but now many people are noticing my weight loss, so it gets brought up quite a bit. I have evangelised to my mum who is doing slimming world but to no avail, yet!
I tell people if they ask, in fact Dr M's book has been lent out to so many people that the last person bought me a new copy....which is now out on loan.
Yep as it has worked so well for me if people ask I rave on

Why not it's for our health

My local doctor was the last person to whom I raved and encouraged me to press on
5:2 is not really known in France right now. Well, not in my little town anyway, so it doesn't come in the discussions. The only one outside my familly who really knows about it, because I explained it to him in full details, is my GP. I trust him completely (he's my GP for 25 years) and I wanted his thoughts about it.

I talked about it to my parents' neighbours, we are really close and they are part of the familly,because they were stunned by my weight loss and asked me how I did it. Didn't mention the fasts, just that there were some days where I was really careful and ate only one healthy meal but, during the weekends mostly (the other days in the week I do 16:8), I ate "normally" so no frustration.

For the others, I don't see myself talking about it, not because I am ashamed or anything, just that it's none of their bussiness and fasting doesn't have a good press so if it's to hear about how I may become anorexic, no thanks.
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