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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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Hi @johncs2013

I'm heading out to work so apologies for the brief reply, but you said something about lots of cashew nuts and almonds?

The nutritional info that I have is as follows:

cashew nuts, raw, 553cals / Carb 26.89 / Fat 43.85 / Protein 18.22 / Fibre 3.3 per 100g

almonds are much less carby but still...

almonds, salted, coop, 610cals / Carbs 9.0 / Fat 53.3 / Protein 17.1 / Fibre 13.6 per 100g

It is *very* easy to eat 100g of each nut type, which would approximate to 35 grams of carb...

All the best, FatDog
I hope you don't mind me saying this, but it seems that you keep putting on and taking off the lbs over a few days, so why not weigh just once a week? You can choose the best day for you, when your weight is reasonably stable - then you wouldn't have all the worry and frustration of knowing that your weight is yo-yoing.
Domane wrote: There are a fair few carbs in apples, oranges and blueberries.... all that sugar, I'm afraid..... and there are quite a few carbs in full-fat milk too. I would suggest you log everything you ate on MFP just to see the carb content. There are various opinions on what level of carb intake constitutes "low" - some will say under 150g, others 100g or even 50g. When you start Atkins you keep your carbs at under 20g for the first couple of weeks!

This is quite a useful chart..... ... z2kwmupjR1

According to MFP, a 235g serving of full fat milk contains only 4g of carbs and so your claim that full-fat milk is high in carbs is incorrect. That is the type of scare-mongering that I don't need when I'm only trying to do the best that I can to try to eat as healthily as possible, and can't do any better than that (in any case, it's too close to Christmas to be even that bothered about it just now).

For now, my current diet is working for me quite well as I am maintaining a steady weight during each week, and my blood pressure isn't too bad just now. Because of that, I'm not going to change a system and eating regime which is already working for me and so, I would just rather leave it at that.
coffeetime wrote: I hope you don't mind me saying this, but it seems that you keep putting on and taking off the lbs over a few days, so why not weigh just once a week? You can choose the best day for you, when your weight is reasonably stable - then you wouldn't have all the worry and frustration of knowing that your weight is yo-yoing.

I used to weigh myself just weekly on a Monday but then, I was finding myself gaining and losing a lot of weight on certain weeks depending on my eating habits during that week. By weighing myself every day, I can see these big increases in weight as they are happening and that way, I can then act on that right away and thus, prevent a resulting big overall weight gain which would otherwise happen over that week. The end result of that, is that my weight at my weekly official weigh-ins then remains stable and over the last few weeks, I have lost or gained more than about 0.2kg over each of these weeks because of that.

That to me, is therefore a good reason to continue with daily weigh-ins.
I have been weighing daily since I joined the Christmas Club, I find it stressful when my weight goes up and down so after Christmas I'll be back to weighing once a week - then I can relax a bit. I hope you can soon find the reason for your weight fluctuations John.

You said that you can't get coconut oil, you can find it in Tesco if you have a store near you (who doesn't?), or you can easily buy it online. I would post some links but I'm just off to town to do my Christmas shopping.

Good luck. :clover:
According to the Fat Secret counter there are 4.6gr carb in just 100ml whole milk. Most low carbers don't touch milk. There is some argument over the carb value of yoghurt but you were talking milk by the glass. Your diet doesn't seem what I would call low carb but then I eat to the Swedish style LCHF.

Nuts are another thing that throw people out. cashews are generally not considered true nuts. My personal favourite are macadamia which rank with almonds on the low carb scale.

As the others have said, try weighing less often or get an app with a trend line and weigh daily so you can see your true weight. Its a common fact on this WOE that weight bounces all over the place for most of us. There doesn't seem to be a common cause.
I already use the Libra app which has been discussed many times on this forum, and which is available for android devices (I don't know if there is an iOS or Windows Phone version of that as well). That shows a trend line and from that, it also calculates what my current weight would be according to that trend (known as the trend weight, which is what I have been reporting on my blog on this forum). That way, it is easy to see whether or not I am on track.

There has actually been a few good examples recently of why daily weighing has been a real God-send for me, the best example of that was when I first met my target of getting below 11 and a half stone. Just prior to that, I was overeating over the weekend and was gaining weight with that. Until that binge, it had looked as though I was going to easily meet that target but then that binge put me outside of that target weight. That meant that I had to lose weight on the Sunday in order to achieve that target but if I wasn't weighing myself every day, I would not have spotted that this weight gain was happening. That means that I would probably have continued my binge through the Sunday as week, and then failed to meet my target because of that.

However, because I had spotted that weight gain which was happening, I was then able to act on that by having a reduced calorie (but not a fasting) day on the Sunday and with that, I was then able to lose the weight that I needed to lose by the following day to meet my target and thus, enter into weight maintenance.

Incidents like that, are the very reason why I will continue to defend the concept of daily weigh-ins and whilst there are people on this forum who say that I shouldn't be weighing myself daily, I know that there are also others on this very forum who will also advocate daily weigh-ins. At the end of the day, I will listen to what everyone has to to say on this forum. However, any actions which I take as a result of that will be done because I feel that they are the best actions to take, and not because someone on this forum has said that I should take those actions.

The same thing is true when it comes to advice on what I should or should not be eating because at the end of the day, I will not be told what to eat by anyone, and that includes anybody on this forum. Furthermore, we are approaching Christmas, and I'm trying to wind towards that which means that healthy eating isn't exactly going to be a top priority over the next couple of weeks or so anyway.
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