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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

31 posts Page 2 of 3
Re: AWOL....Again
13 Nov 2013, 21:16
Claire! How lovely to see your smiling face :) Welcome back and lots of luck for tomorrow
Re: AWOL....Again
13 Nov 2013, 21:33
There you are!
Welcome back, tomorrow looks like a good day for a fast. See you then :heart:
Re: AWOL....Again
13 Nov 2013, 21:54
:heart: Wow Thanks Claire you want me to come and stay with you, well how long for?? :heart: :heart:
Let me see Nottingham wasn't it yes nice city nice shops :heart: :heart: :heart:
6 weeks Today Christmas day so if I stay 5 weeks but I'm not doing all the cooking/cleaning/ironing
do you still want me?
Or just someone to boss you about :shock: :shock:
Right 6wks@ 1lb each week = 6lb so we all know you
"Can Do Better" of course you can/will or else! so at least half a stone preferably 10lbs
That's a better figure to make you feel more like
your " old self"
Starting Tomorrow and i'm awaiting your
:heart: post/confession/commitment :heart:
Busy day for me so will pop in when I can to check on you
Good Luck which of course you won't need on Thurs its the following days that will be dodgy for you so are we doing
4:3 together ? :clover: :clover: :clover: Sue
Re: AWOL....Again
13 Nov 2013, 22:00
Claire you can do this but it's up to you. We will help you. 1 pound a week- just imagine how you will feel 1 year from todayxxx julianna
Re: AWOL....Again
13 Nov 2013, 22:17
Claire - I was only saying to Ballerina, azureblue and gillymary the other day - wondering where you'd got to? :smile: :wink:

Honestly it's much worse worrying about it, beating yourself up, and fearing it than actually doing it. The trick is to not over-think it too much. Just get on and do it like you'd brush your teeth. You know all the practicalities from before, so it won't be new to you. Also you've got the rest of us behind you and @Sue.Qin your house, not to mention @janeg and her wet fish ... And lots of new goings on and distractions - xmas club run by juliana rivers, book club run by me, crimbo quiz, gardening thread, not to mention @julieathome and her shed ... :grin: :like: :heart: :victory:

Look forward to hearing how you get on, so keep posting, whatever you do and please don't do a runner again, as you've been missed :heart:
Re: AWOL....Again
13 Nov 2013, 22:33
From a Clare to a Claire - come on, grab my hand, jump back on the wagon - we're all here to pull you aboard and help. :hugright: But it's a slow journey we're on and it'll take a while to travel the road... but you're amongst friends (as you know) so we'll have fun along the way...... :smile: Clare x
Re: AWOL....Again
14 Nov 2013, 05:31
Ah there you are. Good.
Now one helping hand and wet fish standing by.
Off we go now....
Re: AWOL....Again
14 Nov 2013, 06:37
Hi Claire

Good to see you back. I will be in Nottingham Dec 5th for a girly day with my mate. I could bring some of my old photos and give you shock treatment, like this is what you could be sort of thing.
I know you go to work, but if you fancy shock therapy PM me. :grin:

Chris x
Re: AWOL....Again
14 Nov 2013, 07:17
From another Claire, I know how you feel. I haven't left, still here but struggling to do any successful fasts now for about 3 weeks. Ever since I hit my interim goal in fact! I'm still trying though so come on back onboard. You've nothing to lose but a bit of fat and so much to gain :)
Re: AWOL....Again
14 Nov 2013, 08:12
Good to see you back Claire. :heart: You CAN do this and we're all here cheering you on. Have you given thought to why you fell off the wagon, what your challenges were? That would be helpful, so we can help you create strategies to overcome them.
Re: AWOL....Again
14 Nov 2013, 08:19
Malteserr wrote: Hi Claire , I am in the same situation as you gone AWOL for a couple of months. Have tried to get back on the 5:2 for a few weeks but I give in and eat rubbish. This week started again with the fasting and exercise , so good so far , fasted Monday and today , might do another fast Friday lets see. I decided not to weigh myself because I know I won't like the number I see , I decided to weigh myself beginning of December instead after a few weeks of being on track. You can do it Claire. This forum really helps to get you back on track , I didn't log in for a while and lost track but now being back I am focused again .

Sounds just like me! First fast today feeling apprehensive
Re: AWOL....Again
14 Nov 2013, 08:23
Hi Claire, i have tried and stopped a few times. Last time i got a shocking headache and stopped again. Have been reading up on the forum to prevent thisand plan to try again on monday. Wish me luck!
Re: AWOL....Again
14 Nov 2013, 08:33
Sue.Q wrote: :heart: Wow Thanks Claire you want me to come and stay with you, well how long for?? :heart: :heart:
Let me see Nottingham wasn't it yes nice city nice shops :heart: :heart: :heart:
6 weeks Today Christmas day so if I stay 5 weeks but I'm not doing all the cooking/cleaning/ironing
do you still want me?
Or just someone to boss you about :shock: :shock:
Right 6wks@ 1lb each week = 6lb so we all know you
"Can Do Better" of course you can/will or else! so at least half a stone preferably 10lbs
That's a better figure to make you feel more like
your " old self"
Starting Tomorrow and i'm awaiting your
:heart: post/confession/commitment :heart:
Busy day for me so will pop in when I can to check on you
Good Luck which of course you won't need on Thurs its the following days that will be dodgy for you so are we doing
4:3 together ? :clover: :clover: :clover: Sue

Ha ha! I was hoping you maybe could
Do the odd bit of cleaning!!!

I was considering 4:3 but it's such a mammoth task mon and weds AND Friday and I don't think I could do
It at the weekend....
Re: AWOL....Again
14 Nov 2013, 08:36
Hi Claire, well done on coming back.
When I hit my heaviest, I realised that weighing myself regularly was essential. Because I couldn't face how many stones I'd reached I started weighing myself in kilos. So I've found that facing the scales every week without fail has really helped. I was also interested when another forum member pointed me in the direction of scientific research which shows that daily weighing produces higher weightloss and better weight maintenance than weekly weighing. Obviously not something to be recommended for someone with anorexic or bulimic tendencies.
Re: AWOL....Again
14 Nov 2013, 08:51
Thanks everyone, you have all done so well looking at your stats, it is very inspiring :grin:
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