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Re: Bad day&need support...
13 Aug 2013, 13:34
Thanks gingertea. I know I'm being daft but I found it hard to shake the "guilts" today!

Anyway, I managed to get 97% lean mince in our local butcher so that's a start!

Ugh, sorry for being a pain everyone! Think I'm getting there now!
Re: Bad day&need support...
13 Aug 2013, 15:45
TML13 wrote: OMG, gingertea, if I did what you do I'd be sooooooo fat, LOLOLOL!!!

I know, I thought the same, but really it was just my fear!! I had to learn to trust that I already know what I should and shouldn't eat, I don't need a scale to tell me that. The big bonus is, because I don't weigh often, and when I do, it's generally a nice chunk of weight that I've lost, so something like 10 lbs is more motivating to me to continue than is 1 or 2 lbs, say. And it frees me from those off days when my weight goes up a pound or two for no particular logical reason...that's what used to really freak me out, and frankly would often trigger a binge. So that's why I do it this way.

And Janie-bop, no need to apologize....pretty much everyone came to this board for support in one form or another, that's what we're all here for!
Re: Bad day&need support...
13 Aug 2013, 15:57
Hi try not to stress just eat approx 500 calories on fast days and eat normally the rest of the days it really does work ,we all go through a phase where you can't believe this is going to work but it does and good luck
Re: Bad day&need support...
13 Aug 2013, 16:59
gingertea wrote:
TML13 wrote: OMG, gingertea, if I did what you do I'd be sooooooo fat, LOLOLOL!!!

I know, I thought the same, but really it was just my fear!! I had to learn to trust that I already know what I should and shouldn't eat, I don't need a scale to tell me that. The big bonus is, because I don't weigh often, and when I do, it's generally a nice chunk of weight that I've lost, so something like 10 lbs is more motivating to me to continue than is 1 or 2 lbs, say. And it frees me from those off days when my weight goes up a pound or two for no particular logical reason...that's what used to really freak me out, and frankly would often trigger a binge. So that's why I do it this way.

I understand what you are saying I just know that it wouldn't work for me. The only thing that has kept me thin(-ish, I was never skin&bones) is daily weighing. And the only thing that keeps me losing is the same thing. Not to mention that it was what raised the flag of danger when I gained so much weight in such a short while and made me rush to the doctor and discovered my thyroid problem so soon.
Let's face it, if I was weighing every 3 months and saw a 5 kilos gain, I wouldn't be as worried as seeing a 5 kilos gain in less than 2 weeks!!! :shock:
Re: Bad day&need support...
13 Aug 2013, 17:08
I had an awful night last night too, just a couple of hours sleep. Feel pretty grotty today at work. I am now just accepting that I sleep badly after a fast - well I sleep badly anyway but after a fast its even worse. Maybe your anxiety has been brought on by sleep deprivation Janie? Just try and relax and enjoy eating on your feast days, and you will find success. I am certainly having an early night tonight lol
Re: Bad day&need support...
13 Aug 2013, 17:28
Could it be to do with your monthly cycle? Whatever it is, I hope you're feeling better now.

Try and take it step by step, hour by hour or minute by minute if you need to. You can set your self mini goals throughout your fast day and that way it might not seem so overwhelming.
Re: Bad day&need support...
14 Aug 2013, 17:45
TML13 wrote:
gingertea wrote:
TML13 wrote: OMG, gingertea, if I did what you do I'd be sooooooo fat, LOLOLOL!!!

I know, I thought the same, but really it was just my fear!! I had to learn to trust that I already know what I should and shouldn't eat, I don't need a scale to tell me that. The big bonus is, because I don't weigh often, and when I do, it's generally a nice chunk of weight that I've lost, so something like 10 lbs is more motivating to me to continue than is 1 or 2 lbs, say. And it frees me from those off days when my weight goes up a pound or two for no particular logical reason...that's what used to really freak me out, and frankly would often trigger a binge. So that's why I do it this way.

I understand what you are saying I just know that it wouldn't work for me. The only thing that has kept me thin(-ish, I was never skin&bones) is daily weighing. And the only thing that keeps me losing is the same thing. Not to mention that it was what raised the flag of danger when I gained so much weight in such a short while and made me rush to the doctor and discovered my thyroid problem so soon.
Let's face it, if I was weighing every 3 months and saw a 5 kilos gain, I wouldn't be as worried as seeing a 5 kilos gain in less than 2 weeks!!! :shock:

I hear ya! Everyone has to do whatever it takes to make yourself comfortable. For me, I couldn't take the stress of daily the opposite is true. :smile:
Re: Bad day&need support...
14 Aug 2013, 17:46
Umleila wrote: Could it be to do with your monthly cycle? Whatever it is, I hope you're feeling better now.

Try and take it step by step, hour by hour or minute by minute if you need to. You can set your self mini goals throughout your fast day and that way it might not seem so overwhelming.

Love the idea of mini goals!
Re: Bad day&need support...
14 Aug 2013, 17:51
TML13 wrote: OMG, gingertea, if I did what you do I'd be sooooooo fat, LOLOLOL!!!

:shock: :shock: :shock:

Me too !!!!!!

Just goes to show that we're all different

Janie - listen to your body. It won't always be right, but most times it will :wink:
Re: Bad day&need support...
14 Aug 2013, 19:12
I too have relaxed my weighing regime, at one point I could be hopping on and off the scales several times a day, I gradually reduced this to twice weekly, then once weekly, and today I weighed myself for the first time in 2 weeks to discover I lost 3lbs :victory: I have yo- yo dieted since I was 19, (14 Years) I hope I'm not speaking too soon but I genuinely feel that I have finally found a woe that really suits me and my lifestyle. Yes it is not a quick fix, and my progress relatively slow, but I feel I have final got control of my eating and weight. (with some added exercise) I have no guilt whatsoever on feed days and still enjoy, wine, Chinese and lunching with my friends. Hang on in there it will get easier, your body will take a couple of weeks to adjust, I didn't sleep for the first 6 fast days!!! If you stick with it you'll get there! :clover:
Re: Bad day&need support...
14 Aug 2013, 20:29
Firstly, I often have a bad night's sleep after a fast day, so you're not alone there. Secondly, when I get over-tired I get cold and tearful. So you're not alone there either. Thirdly, do you use My Fitness Pal to log all that you eat? I think you'll be pleasantly surprised about the calorific values of a low-fat shepherd's pie. Swapping from potatoes to swede would cut down on the carbs and the calories (although I do realise this post is too late for tonight, but perhaps in future?)

I'm not obsessive, but I've had compulsive over-eating tendencies in the past so I find it incredibly useful to log everything that passes my lips on MFP. It really shows me my true calorie intake and keeps me grounded. I've had problems with portion control in the past but I'm surprising myself by starting to see by eye how much things weigh. Tonight I cut myself a piece of chicken breast off a cooked carcass... I wanted 100g and when I weighed what I thought 100g looked like, it was actually 105g so pretty damned close!

Work out how many calories you want to consume on your non-fast days and stick to it.

I bet you wake up tomorrow feeling a lot better!
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