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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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Bad day&need support...
13 Aug 2013, 11:19
Hi gang,
Well, as you may have guessed from the topic, I'm feeling very low and under the weather today. Had my 4th fast day yesterday and it was fine, no problems. But I didn't sleep well at all last night (too much coffee?) and today I feel nauseous and generally not my usual sunny self. As today is a feast day I am planning a lean Shepard's Pie for dinner this evening, the thoughts of which are giving me a panic attack! Beef mince and mashed potato?? Surely this will blow all my hard work yesterday, even if I cut down on fats and use lean mince? Even found a "light" recipe but it's just totally set me into a panic. I'd still be below my recommended calorie intake...even if I had 2 portions! And I do understand that I need to take in enough calories.

Today I just feel completely down in myself. I think, just being 10 days or so into this WoE, that I have a lot to learn still and maybe I am being a bit hard on myself. I should just be able to relax and enjoy my food on feast days right? But my stomach is in a knot!

I've been finding this WoE wonderful so why is today so different? Why am I doubting myself?? :bigfrown:

Has anyone else felt like this? :bugeyes:

Sorry about the moan guys!
Re: Bad day&need support...
13 Aug 2013, 11:25
I have occasionally had the low Non-fast day. I've never figured out why. I think you should enjoy your shepherds pie, guilt-free if you can. That's the joy of 5:2. Maybe go for a super healthy lunch?
Re: Bad day&need support...
13 Aug 2013, 11:26
Are you prone to anxiety? I worry about such things sometimes, but then remind myself that this 5:2 thing works! It's a feed day, so relax and enjoy your pie. Also fats are your friend! Don't be afraid of the good ones, maybe a short walk will cheer you up, either way {{hugs}} from me.
Re: Bad day&need support...
13 Aug 2013, 11:31
Aw thanks guys. I wouldn't say that I am prone to anxiety but I guess I'm learning that I am a bit obsessive about my eating and probably always have been! I'm one of these ladies who loves spending time in the kitchen and putting love into my cooking, always wondering what's for dinner when I've barely finished lunch!

I don't know what's come over me today at all!! I'm one of the most laid back people you could meet...normally! :confused:
Re: Bad day&need support...
13 Aug 2013, 11:52
It's the stress of the beginning, everybody experiences it and it is natural. You just can't believe that you can eat nice food AND lose weight.
Don't worry, it will soon fade out.

On the other hand, if you don't feel like eating a shepherd's pie, why don't you just eat something else?
Re: Bad day&need support...
13 Aug 2013, 11:56
First of all here's a hug, horrible to be feeling down. When I first started fasting I slept terribly on fast nights. But that has got better and I sleep well. Shepherds pie , yum enjoy. If we cant eat normally then what's the point. Unless you make the potato with a gallon if cream it's not a bad meal at all. And this WOE is perfect for us foodies who love cooking.
Re: Bad day&need support...
13 Aug 2013, 12:14
You may be finding that you can't eat on the first day after a fast, well not until much later in the afternoon. Which is causing you to feel a bit queasy at the thought of food in general. Basically don't force yourself to eat until you can actually visualise a food you really want, then take it slowly with a small portion.

Don't worry about fats, they are a dieters friend. They help you to feel satisfied on smaller amounts of food. They are also loaded with fat soluable vitamins.
Re: Bad day&need support...
13 Aug 2013, 12:19
Julieathome wrote: You may be finding that you can't eat on the first day after a fast, well not until much later in the afternoon. Which is causing you to feel a bit queasy at the thought of food in general.

This is something that I have yet to experience. One of my favourite things in life at the moment is the breakfast of the day after a fast.
Tomorrow I'm having ice cream oreos!!! :grin:
Re: Bad day&need support...
13 Aug 2013, 12:24
Weird, I thought I had posted to this - my apologies if this is a repeat.

Anyway, try not to be so hard on yourself. We all have bad days on occasion! Really, mashed potato is not the devil, and if your stomach is a little unsettled, then it might be just the thing for you. A normal serving of a fairly unprocessed carb, like a potato, is not going to destroy your diet, and it will boost your serotonin levels to help your mood, as well as absorbing excess acids in your stomach, settling that as well.

So I say have yourself a normal potion of shepherd's pie for dinner, and just have a normal or healthy lunch and take it easy :-)
Re: Bad day&need support...
13 Aug 2013, 12:28
:heart: You guys are the best :heart:
Re: Bad day&need support...
13 Aug 2013, 12:57
Hi Janie Oohh really come on pull your self together girl Lol
You say you're not one to spend time in the kitchen so Where have all those lovely recipes come from the Cajun chicken one last night was wonderful :heart: :heart: and the shepherds pie will be also :like:
Look at my progress + my start + latest do I sound like I don't eat on my feed days Nnnoooo That's the reason most of us were attracted to this WOL because its only 2/3 days per week, I don't worry to much about the fats yet because I'm losing so that's a tool for me in the future.
Having said that if the thought of the pie makes you feel sickly later don't eat it, freeze it for some other time. Good Luck :clover: Sue
Re: Bad day&need support...
13 Aug 2013, 13:00
Aw thanks Sue hun. i actually said that I love spending time in the kitchen though! LOL!

Feeling a bit better now, don't know what came over me earlier at all!
Re: Bad day&need support...
13 Aug 2013, 13:02
Senior moment of course :curse: :: it'll come to you one day :clover: Sue
Re: Bad day&need support...
13 Aug 2013, 13:25
I've spent a lifetime battling my body and my weight, being obsessed with "good" and "bad" food. Finally, now, I'm finding a new freedom on that front, 5:2 is in part responsible for that. The other major factor is I learned I really have to restrict myself from weighing too often. Doing that really shifts the focus from any one particular day or meal, to that of my whole journey to better health. No one meal is going to make or break you. So that's something you might want to consider trying. I realize it's not for everyone, but it has freed me from my obsession with food, so I feel I have to share it in case it helps someone else. I weigh every 3 months, but you can certainly start with maybe every 2 weeks, say. Give your body a chance and the time to change and stabilize.

Best wishes to you....I've had those bad days, and they suck.
Re: Bad day&need support...
13 Aug 2013, 13:30
OMG, gingertea, if I did what you do I'd be sooooooo fat, LOLOLOL!!!
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