No not That Girl (see below), or @ThatGirl. That girl who says "no, I couldn't possibly eat that." I've always kind of hated that girl, or been annoyed by her anyway. BUT NOW I AM HER, in my head at least. As in, I very often think "no, I couldn't possibly eat that" rather than voicing it. I said this to a friend recently, that I was becoming that girl. She said, oh like *name of mutual thin friend*. YES. like her. She also happens to be my thin person mentor. The one who seems to keep weight off effortlessly, only the deeper you look, the more you realize it's not effortless
What I'm realizing, slowly, is that I kinda have to be that girl in order to maintain the weight loss I worked so hard for. Maybe not 100% of the time, but most of the time. Usually it's not so hard - I have a sweet tooth, but it can usually be satisfied with a bit here and there. But sometimes…
Worse than having to turn down food, or invitations to eat out (sure this WOE is flexible, but if you do 4:3 or ADF, not *that* flexible) is the constant obsession about food. I hope this passes. It isn't good. And while it feels sort of necessary now, I hope it won't always be necessary.
What I'm realizing, slowly, is that I kinda have to be that girl in order to maintain the weight loss I worked so hard for. Maybe not 100% of the time, but most of the time. Usually it's not so hard - I have a sweet tooth, but it can usually be satisfied with a bit here and there. But sometimes…
Worse than having to turn down food, or invitations to eat out (sure this WOE is flexible, but if you do 4:3 or ADF, not *that* flexible) is the constant obsession about food. I hope this passes. It isn't good. And while it feels sort of necessary now, I hope it won't always be necessary.