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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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What a great post spanner! Well done to you.
Lil :heart:
Hi Lizzieh
Just wanted to add my encouragement in staying off the booze on fast days.
Although I never drank on fast days (I just can't imagine how you'd fit in the calories) I really felt that drinking, wine in particular, was affecting my weight loss.
I think it was as much the rubbish I ate while drinking, as the empty calories themselves in alcohol.
So I've taken a total break for the moment and am hoping to relearn better habbits. It's my secomd week and so far I feel great. Hope Friday's weigh in reflects it.

Every step that we take to improve our health is a step in the right direction and I wish you the very best of luck on your journey :clover:
Thing is, I know alcohol is the main cause of my weight gain (almost back to square one after my holiday), so I am going to at least try a Monday to Thursday abstinence. I havent drank since Saturday night so I'm feeling pleased with myself. Hoping to get to Friday with no hiccups. I wont cut it out completely but I know I need to cut down.
I've read this thread with a lot of head nodding. I know I need to cut down on alcohol, currently I drink every feed day. After having a bottle last night on my own, leading to a bad nights sleep, and an unpleasant shock on the scales this morning, I've not drunk tonight, had a sugar-free ginger beer as a treat at wine-o-clock, and I've now made it past my danger point. So thanks for the push to make this change I wanted to make :smile:

And I'm sure I'll enjoy my night in the pub more tomorrow, like I love my breakfast after a fast day.
Very timely topic for me. I came back from a week's holiday in Cornwall where I walked over 6 miles every single day and only ate within an 8 hour window (didn't fast) and I still gained weight. It wasn't a massive amount, about a pound and a half, but it was on top of another kilo I'd put on the week before and was anxious about. So all told I've reversed about 4 lbs of a long, arduous slog of just under a stone lost, in just over 2 weeks.

I know it's the wine. Like many here, I don't drink (usually) on fast days, and I don't find it hard doing so - I pat myself on the back for the break I'm giving my liver. But it is very rare that I let a feed day go by without splitting a whole bottle with my husband and insisting on matching him drop for drop. Sometimes there is also an aperitif (v&t or Pimms, or champagne if it is a special occasion), sometimes a digestif (Marsala or Port with cheese), but it all adds up. I'm one of those who figure "I deserve it" after a long, hard day - I have heard they even have a name for it for mums/moms like me: "Surrey liver", which is so appropriate it isn't funny - and right now I have been under a lot of stress, more than I can ever remember.

But it is starting to worry me. The disgust at the weight gain has snapped me to attention and made me see how stupid it is to blow all my efforts on this fasting thing with an hour or so's mellowness. Even before I had seen this post I had committed myself to Monday-Thursday abstinence. I started this Tuesday, a fast day, and got through yesterday and today. One week at a time. I am very glad to know I am in extremely good company.

Good luck to everyone who is trying to cut back - may it be successful enough that you never have to cut it out forever ;-)
I planned no alcohol from Monday to Friday this week....only made it to Thursday!! Oh well I will try again next week. Never drink on fast days but have been trying to extend my no alcohol days...only one glass of red wine but I know it does not help my weight loss!!
Taking care of myself tonight, and not drinking, after a full on weekend, and a hectic week ahead. I'm pleased I've made the decision. The main downside of drinking for me is the lying awake in the early hours, so hoping for a undisturbed nights sleep tonight.
I can only add to this that one of the health benefits past weight loss for me has been 2 days a week without alcohol. There has been some struggle, but 19 weeks in, I have not had a drink on my fast days. Before starting 5:2, I can't remember the last day I didn't have a drink.
Being close to my goal, I would like to continue my 2 days off booze, but I sure do like the afternoon cocktail! Too all who struggle with controlling their alcohol intake, best of luck.
I have never indulged on a fast day because I couldn't bear to waste any of my 300 odd calories that my TDEE allows. I used to finish up an open bottle often during the week before 5:2 but don't do that any longer either. I now drink only on Friday and Saturday evenings. Didn't have any last night this weekend, so allowing myself a small one tonight after being at a celebratory tea party this afternoon. 'Surrey Liver'? Didn't know it had a name and I'm not fortunate enough to live there (my favourite childhood county) but oh yes, I could so easily.
I've had a few heavy days with visitors who went home today, so this is only my second alcohol free day since Tues and I haven't been fasting either.
May be alcohol free, but I've eaten too much chocolate. Bleugh. I feel out of the habit of fasting, and am going away on Thursday till Monday. Need to snap out of it and get back to normal. This summer we've had family visitors for about six separate weeks. Love them all, but it's played havoc with my irritation-factor. Currently sky high, off the irritable-for-no-reason scale. Meh.
Alcohol is a strange topic on here. It divides resposnses into the "head-nodding" group and the "prohibition" group - for want of a better set of terms.

So, with this in mind, would people like an weekly alcohol thread on here? I'm not sure what to call it, ideas weclome. I try not to drink Monday to Thursday and I know others do the same. So what do we think?
Waratah wrote: Like you Clairemarie, I've been hesitant to post as I don't want to offend anyone. With all respect and concern for all, especially as many here are fasting for health benefits as well as weight loss, I'm surprised at how many people here admit to consuming alcohol daily. PLEASE do not attack me for saying this, I mention it out if concern as a young cancer survivor who knows that alcohol is a known carcinogenic, and who us watching a family member decline towards death from over consumption of alcohol. I am sure that those who partake do so within recommended guidelines, however i'd like to encourage more members to consider a mon-thurs alcohol free week. As previously mentioned, I post from a place of concern xx

I am in full support of this post. Alcohol is up there as a group 1 carcinogen along with tobacco and asbestos.
SianS, in getting through my "liver recovery" 4 day per-week abstention period I could use all the support I can get (and am happy to give mine as well to others who may be struggling). Great idea.

I got through the week really ok - though Friday I felt I went a little overboard and paid for it the next morning. In actual fact I probably didn't have that much more (if any) than I usually would have but in just 3 straight dry days my tolerance had apparently plummeted and I just couldn't handle it like I used to be able to. I think that can only be a good thing.

Happy drying out everyone!
Hi Sian S.
I would also be interested in a thread on alcohol.
Although I'm abstaining at the moment, that's not gonna last forever,
If I could offer any support to anyone I'd gladly do it.
Likewise if I'm struggling, could be nice to get some encouragement.
Hi Emerald
I started called "Not Drinking Alcohol Today" this morning :smile:
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