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Been in denial about alcohol!
23 Aug 2013, 14:57
Although I KNOW it's not recommended to drink alcohol on fast days, I decided when i started the 5:2 that it would be just too hard to give it up, on top of the fasting, so one step at a time ... well, I'm ready for the second step now and have decided to stop drinking on fast days. I had my first 'dry' fast day yesterday and although it was hard I stuck to it. I was rewarded this morning on the scales when it showed a 3lb loss since my last weigh-in (although I don't weigh in that often so I know it wasn't caused by not drinking yesterday, but it was a boost nevertheless!)

I've been on the regime for 16 weeks and have only lost 6 lbs (I think - although when I started I was using inaccurate scales, so who knows!). It doesn't sound much but I've lost 2 inches off my hips and 1.5 inches off my waist, enough to be comfortable in a 14 whereas before I was a (largeish) 16. And that's even though I was quaffing a glass (or two) of wine on fast days - I think I was just in denial about the effects of it! So now I'm hoping this will kick start a little more fat loss. It's going so well and I'm feeling great, and although you could say 'she should have not drunk alcohol from the start and she'd probably have lost a lot more!', nevertheless I did need to get used to the fasting first, I think too much denial at once might have made it intolerable to stick with.

So that's all I wanted to say really, I like the fact that you can kind of tailor this to whatever you can manage, because it's long term you have to find a way of making it sustainable. In the long term I do plan to drink less. But it takes time!
Hi and well done firstly on the weight loss, :heart: and on the''rest'' from
alcohol you will be able to see shortly whether its working or not.
I usually save my wine for weekend and I'm sure this as helped me, I'm doing 4:3 and same as tonight I usually fast for the 24 hrs then eat whatever I want sometimes 3 courses plus wine but this is on top of my normal fadtdays, and only when I know its going to be a ''Heavy'' few days, or celebration's. Good Luck :clover: Sue
Good for you lizzieh,
Since the beginning of the year my OH and I have tried to keep off the wine from Monday to Thursday, and for us it really has made a big difference.
Though we sometimes have a cheeky glass on a Wednesday with dinner.I do feel better for not drinking every day, but it has turned me into a complete lightweight
Same as you Sian no wine Monday to Thursday except the Wednesdays we are out for a meal and game of trivia at the local club. I would rather eat my calories on a fast day than drink them.
I have also cut out wine from my diet from Monday to Thursday and it has made a real difference for me both in feeling better with more energy and weight loss.
The other thing that has made me feel heaps better is cutting a lot of sugar out of my diet ( no more sweet yoghurts, museli bars or fruit juice).
I love a glass or two of wine and I have always had a real sweet tooth but I must say I am now ok with the the reduction of both these elements in my life and have been rewarded with quite a great weight loss.
At weekend I still enjoy wine and sweets so I'm not deprived in any way!
I love a glass of red with dinner but on fast days I don't even consider it. This is solely because I want some 'real' calories to chew on, not empty ones I drink. I am hungry by dinner time! I comfort myself by thinking how happy my liver is, to have 2 days each week to rest. Excellent! Also I don't spend anywhere near as much at the bottle shop so it is all good.
Yep, trying to stick to wine-free Mon to Thurs. And yes, I'm a real light-weight now too, so drink less then too or suffer afterwards! :confused:
Also even having one glass means I am much more likely to snack... I'm trying to make my 'eating normally' to mean no food between meals. Well, especially during the week.

@leannehills I think we're twins! Very similar progress charts.
Ooh, thanks for all the encouragement, folks - I think no wine from Monday to Thursday would be a step too far at the moment, but good to hear it's working for you! Today's the second no-wine-fast-day so I just checked in here for reassurance. Many thanks for all your comments :)
Hi Lizzie, I was having a small wine in the evenings at the start but like the others realised I would much rather have the calories from food!
I am now trying to not drink through the week but sometimes this is easier said than done when you go out for dinner or have had a long day.
I managed it last week though, Mon - Thurs with not a drop of wine (more than made up for it on Friday though haha)
Good luck!!
I really want to reply to your post but this is a very sensitive subject on the forum. I do not want to get my head bit off. First let me say I had a wonderful cab last night. I really enjoyed it but I only 'drink' once every couple of months. So I am probably not the one to reply to your post. I think most people here have given up eating something or other that is not that good for them to help lose weight. For me carbs are the hardest. I am very sensitive towards them. For you its wine. I find it interesting that carbs, alcohol and opiates all pleasure the same place in the brain that leads to addiction. And that is why they are so hard to say no to.But just think... Alcohol=needless calories + it does nothing to sustain you. I guess you have to make a decision as to whether you value slimness or the wine effect more. I am trying to train myself to enjoy a carb meal only once a week as a treat maybe that would help you too.
Feel sorry for me as someone who loves wine AND carbs :(
Boohoo lol
Lil :heart:
Wine is all carbs so they are same. No protein or fat. Love those fruity sugary carbs, lol.
It's so unfair lol.
Oh well, everything in moderation and all that jazz :)
Lil :heart:
Like you Clairemarie, I've been hesitant to post as I don't want to offend anyone. With all respect and concern for all, especially as many here are fasting for health benefits as well as weight loss, I'm surprised at how many people here admit to consuming alcohol daily. PLEASE do not attack me for saying this, I mention it out if concern as a young cancer survivor who knows that alcohol is a known carcinogenic, and who us watching a family member decline towards death from over consumption of alcohol. I am sure that those who partake do so within recommended guidelines, however i'd like to encourage more members to consider a mon-thurs alcohol free week. As previously mentioned, I post from a place of concern xx
Hey lizzieh
I am also a complete wineaholic but one of the things that appealed to me about 5:2 is the fact that it would give my body two days a week off alcohol and a chance to detox.
Before starting the 5:2 WOL I had concerns about my own alcohol consumption but was massively suppressing them as I saw wine as my reward after a very busy stressful day. If I am completely honest with myself I was definitely in the midst of an addictive process, albeit mild.
Having two nights off for the last four months and massively decreased my need for a wine fix after work. Plus it has reduced the amount I drink on feast days. I do occasionally now have a third night off alcohol and I sometimes volunteer to be the designated driver to avoid alcohol on a meal out and it doesn't bother me now.
Good for you for realising that alcohol consumption has a massive impact on weight loss but maybe now just take a little step back and remember the medical benefits too!
I will never ever give up wine but I am very happy to have reduced the amount I drink!
Wishing everyone good health :clover:
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