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bloat, water weight, diuretic.
13 Sep 2013, 08:42

If my body is retaining too much water from salt intake.( My husband says to me, "would you like eggs with that salt?') with salt comes water weight. Seeing as coffee, tea, and cola are caffeine and also a diuretic, would that get rid of excess salt and water weight? and would it be the same for bloat, if I think bloat is the same as water weight, I think it is.
Is there is something that gets rid of water weight, that is healthy, celery a diuretic?

Thanks for reading, someday I may just be a walking info centre, from all my questions, then I can return the gesture and help others. We hope. :smile:
Reduce your salt intake? It's just practice, same as sugar? Bread is a major culprit here. I grew up on a Welsh farm, trust me, I have a taste for salt but it is something you can mindfully reduce slowly.

Walk lots as the action of walking on your calf muscles gets the lymph system working better and you lose water.

Do you have puffy ankles?

Epsom salts baths.
I agree with BBT053, reducing salt intake is the healthiest option, followed by higher (but there are limits to how much liquid you can ingest) water intake. Maybe it is worth trying to understand why you crave salt or salty food. It may be mineral deficiency (salt contains trace minerals).
Totally agree reduce salt intake, celery is a good natural diuretic
also drinking extra water as it flushes out your kidneys which then realises the retained water, :clover: Sue
Basically the body responds to higher salt in the cells by retaining water to keep the concentration of salts in the cells the same. There is no other way to reduce the retained water, other than by reducing the salt level, to then release the water as the body rebalances the cell salt concentrations.
I would also say cut down on the salt if you can.

Regular drinkers of caffeine drinks shouldn't notice strong diuretic effects as the the more you drink caffeine the more your kidneys get used to breaking it down and it has the same effect of drinking water - or so I have just read on Google! :grin:
Drink lots of water and reduce salt Intake as others have already suggested. Switch to sea salt (preferably mixed with dried herbs etc), or Himalayan rock salt and avoid the nasty chemical stuff.
This thread has lots of useful info on salt intake and bloating.
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