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Breaking fast earlier in day
10 Dec 2013, 03:09
I decided today that if im in front of computer working I need to break my fast earlier than what I was attempting which was 4pm. I was getting more headachy than i should so thought it wasn't good for my concentration.

Anyway today i broke fast with a small amount of cottage cheese and a nectarine at 2pm. Feeling better :-)

That should keep me going till 7ish

Anyone else found that they had to have at least a late lunch when previously trying to skip both breakfast and lunch on a fast day?
All the time. I pack some veggies and whatnot for that purpose. I can't go straight through and I'd rather snack on something low-cal that I've brought for that reason than break my fast with whatever ends up being around!
I always have a soft boiled egg for brekkie, and still find I need a miso soup at 3 or 4.
I'm definitely starting to need something throughout the day now, whereas I used to go all day on just water and herbal teas!

Sometimes a miso will do the job but I've now started having a couple of boiled eggs with lots of spinach and that does the job for less than 200 cals. I do get annoyed with myself when I 'need' lunch on a fast day because it makes the evening difficult but I just wasn't going to sustain this WOE if I was feeling sick with hunger twice a week!
Hi Juliana,
I make sure to have some carrots handy in my bag at all times! That way, when I'm needing a sugar hit and a bit of crunch, it's perfect! I used to have a miso for lunch but think I overdosed a bit on it and can't stand the idea of miso at the moment! Plus I prefer to push through as long as I can as I feel like if it doesn't hurt, it's probably not doing anything! (That's probably not a healthy attitude but I have been feeling that it's just been too easy recently!)
Might have to try the cottage cheese though - I love it and can't believe it's not +++++calories!
kelkelkelster wrote: Hi Juliana,
I make sure to have some carrots handy in my bag at all times! That way, when I'm needing a sugar hit and a bit of crunch, it's perfect! I used to have a miso for lunch but think I overdosed a bit on it and can't stand the idea of miso at the moment! Plus I prefer to push through as long as I can as I feel like if it doesn't hurt, it's probably not doing anything! (That's probably not a healthy attitude but I have been feeling that it's just been too easy recently!)
Might have to try the cottage cheese though - I love it and can't believe it's not +++++calories!

even the full fat varieties of cottage cheese is not bad in calories - maybe 100 calories in 1/2 cup - and the calcium is good

this is a good link to compare calories in different cheeses

carrots are a good idea actually as long as you dont eat too many. apparently you turn orange lol
Juliana.Rivers wrote: carrots are a good idea actually as long as you dont eat too many. apparently you turn orange lol

My daughter eats so many raw carrots (she's known for this, far and wide) that if one could actually turn orange from eating them, she'd be bright neon. So, sorry, must be an old wive's tale :grin:
I'm in a different rhythm at the moment. I close the kitchen just after lunchtime when I'm at home which means I can look forward to my breakfast and lunch even on fast days.
rawkaren wrote: I'm in a different rhythm at the moment. I close the kitchen just after lunchtime when I'm at home which means I can look forward to my breakfast and lunch even on fast days.

not a myth.... i thought i better back myself up with some research

its called carotenemia

good news is, its harmless

but i do know if you ate a 20kg bag of carrots, you could die of carrot poisoning
It's not an old wives tale @wendyjane.

Most of this comment deleted as Juliana.Rivers has already answered.
I only have a late lunch on my "liquid" fast. During these days I have 1l low cal soup so I take half around 3:00PM and the other half around 8:00PM. I think it's part due to the very cold weather and part due to the sport I practice daily.
I find that if I am going to the gym on a fast day, as the gym is only open in the evenings, I need a little bit of something before going. So I am experimenting with a mug of bouillon at the moment. It may be the salts I need rather than the calories.
Julieathome wrote: I find that if I am going to the gym on a fast day, as the gym is only open in the evenings, I need a little bit of something before going. So I am experimenting with a mug of bouillon at the moment. It may be the salts I need rather than the calories.

cant get my head around Boullion. if its like stock cubes then only thing that can go in, is an ingredient in a casserole or soup. so many people talk about Boullion here that they drink "straight"

We have stock cubes and stock powder but i dont think anyone markets it as Boulian in Australa.

i looked it up
and yes it is just stock cubes. definitely not something i can just "drink" as a drink.
Even if i made it from scratch i wouldnt drink it.
kencc wrote: This is a guy thing ..... I initially thought this thread was about breaking wind ... now I find out it's not ... so I'm sorry I don't have anything to contribute.

haha that made me laugh.
Juliana, on fast days I have Bonox which is a paste I stir into boiling water and drink.

It's a beef extract, bit like our Vegemite or Marmite.

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