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Breaking Your Fast
22 Jan 2014, 18:06
Hello All

I'm doing ok so far - did my 6th fast yesterday without too much trouble. I didn't feel hungry this morning so didn't bother with breakfast and waited till lunch to break my fast. I had a boiled egg and two slices of buttered wholemeal toast with a cup of green tea - which I thought was reasonable. A bit later I had some chocolate (darn those xmas leftovers). I then experienced what I now know you refer to as a Rapid Transit Moment. :shock:

I searched the forum for info and from what I read it seems I must have eaten too much, and therefore overloaded my system. Ok, fair enough, it's a learning process.

So I'm wondering what you more experienced fasters break your fast with? Any advice, suggestions, guidance would be most appreciated.

Many thanks.
Re: Breaking Your Fast
22 Jan 2014, 18:28
:heart: Hi @tuesday Well done with gour fasting glad most things are ok for you. But I've never had that problem but I do wake up most mornings not hungry so skip breakfast therefore saving calories for that day and have settled into the routine of plate salad lunch almost every day to reduce my carb intake so I break each fast with the salad. :heart:
Re: Breaking Your Fast
22 Jan 2014, 18:43
Ah, thanks, Sue. I have been reading a lot about the low carb eating here and particularly Fatdog's thread (as I am a veggie too). I may well start to incorporate that aspect as I go on with this - I'm the classic apple shape with all my weight on my belly. Even periods when I have been really quite slim I've still had a pot belly, so I think the carbs may be the thing to ditch.
Re: Breaking Your Fast
22 Jan 2014, 19:05
I've not experienced a "rapid transit moment" with breaking my fast, however, since I'm lactose intolerant, milk chocolate can have that effect on me if I don't take a lactase enzyme supplement just prior. No problem with 85% + chocolate. :)
Re: Breaking Your Fast
22 Jan 2014, 19:15
I'd been fine on all my previous fasts - it was just this one. I'll have to be more careful in future. Brings to mind the G.B. Shaw quote, "Every fool can fast, but only the wise man knows how to break a fast."
Re: Breaking Your Fast
22 Jan 2014, 19:19
I tend to go for a brunch of two soft boiled eggs and decaff coffee :0)
Re: Breaking Your Fast
22 Jan 2014, 22:08
I may be suffering at this moment in time. But I did break my fast with a big salad and about 200g of mixed beans with BBQ sauce. Well I'm not constipated which is my usual problem.
Re: Breaking Your Fast
22 Jan 2014, 22:10
I hope they weren't mixed bile beans @Julieathome

Bean :shock:
Re: Breaking Your Fast
22 Jan 2014, 22:14
Who's stalking whom here? You make me laugh, ever time I turn round there you are, shoulders a shakin' :lol:

Ballerina x :heart:
Re: Breaking Your Fast
22 Jan 2014, 22:17
Dontcha know she's a BEANSTALKER! X
Re: Breaking Your Fast
22 Jan 2014, 22:21
I wake up hungry every morning. I've said for years that breakfast is my favourite meal of the day. So I have a big bowl of porridge, with unsweetened almond milk, cinnamon and a teaspoon of Stevia to take the edge off. I've recently added grated carrot and a few sultanas (everything is weighed and measured, of course!) and that really fills me up and keeps me going til lunch.

These days I get "rapid transit" if I lose my willpower and eat too many wheat-based products.... funny but I was never afflicted before I started eating healthily but my body really lets me know these days!! Last week (before I found my willpower to lose my festive layer) I had a go at making my own naan breads - and I ate two. Then spent late afternoon and the evening on and off the loo!!! Serves me right!
Re: Breaking Your Fast
23 Jan 2014, 09:46
I break a fast with a couple of spoonfulls of cottage cheese or my home made yoghurt. i make the yoghurt with a yoghurt culture added to milk .. its the best new hobby ive started. (beats shop bought ready made yoghurt and also the yoghurt mix bases you get with skim milk powder)

1kg ready in just 1 day.
Re: Breaking Your Fast
23 Jan 2014, 09:57
I have been doing 5:2 for nearly a year and I still sometimes get "rapid transit" if I eat too much especially after my first meal that breaks my fast. I have dealt with this by learning to eat half as much as I think I need. So if I think I need two eggs and two pieces of toast, I will just have one egg and one piece of toast and see how I feel. I have found that I usually don't need to eat any more.

Sometimes I will get rapid transit after large feasts e.g. Christmas Day, even if the feast is enjoyed a few days after a fast.

I think it just takes some experimenting to see what and how much you can eat. Keeping a food diary either on paper or using an app such as "My Fitness Pal" (I am sure there are many more apps out there) and you will soon be able to correlate how much, and what foods do and don't work for you.
Re: Breaking Your Fast
23 Jan 2014, 10:11
Apologies if I sound REALLY stupid, but what is this Rapid Transit Moment you all speak of!? I think I have some idea..just want to check I'm on the same wavelength! :oops:
Re: Breaking Your Fast
23 Jan 2014, 10:18
gym-sparkle-90 wrote: Apologies if I sound REALLY stupid, but what is this Rapid Transit Moment you all speak of!? I think I have some idea..just want to check I'm on the same wavelength! :oops:

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