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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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A cardiology consultant seems to now be supporting butter eating rather than low fat margarine or other spreads because of rediscovered research pointing to sugars & carbohydrates rather than saturated fats increasing cardiac risk. I didn't catch his name but there was a heated discussion with another NHS spokesperson disagreeing with this & still advocating the old message of eating only low fat foods to reduce cholesterol levels!! It seems like more support for John Yudkin's original premise about sugar in his book Pure White & Deadly!! & I prefer butter anyway rather than reconstituted low fat spreads!
I agree Isis,i have now switched to eating a small amount of good butter rather than the low fat spreads ive been using for a long time x
:heart: Totally agree Isis :heart: and I also prefer butter.
When i first found this forum I was confused with the contradictory posts but started to buy butter again, although later I reduced my carb intake so therefore reduced butter intake, much better :heart: Sue. :clover:
I confess to being a butter gal too :oops: Though I use a mixture of butter/marg in baking. Buttered toast...... hmmmmmmmmm.........
Butter all the way here. I saw a video about how they make margarine and spreads. It put me off margarine's for life.
I also agree that its carbohydrates that cause the health and obesity problems, not fat.
Waving the flag for butter too :like:
After years of low fat eating I am now coming round more and more to the idea of introducing 'good' fats into my diet so have ditched the low fat spreads and am using butter, (yum! Yum! why did I deprive myself for so long?), and coconut oil for stir fries and roasting.
I read about this doctor on BBC news on line this morning and gave him a little cheer. Dr Aseem Malhotra A cardiology registrar from Croydon University Hospital London wrote about sugar not sat. fat causing health problems in the British Medical Journal. Good for him I say. I hope more doctors will spread the word.
Natural butter & fats over yucky gunge any day. :grin:

Chris x
Butter all the way here! If I can't have butter, I go without.
I read a book by Marisa Peer (I can Make You Thin) in which she mentions that if you leave margarine in a garage for a while you will find no insects on it...not even a fly. Says itallreally doesn't it :-(
I've been eating butter for a while having given up on margarine. So much nicer and less processed x
I use butter and oils alot more now. It's taken me sometime to get used to freely using fats but this forum has really helped with getting over the fat phobia I had for a very long time. When I make breakfast (btwn 9 and 10am) I fry my eggs (with mushrooms, spinich and tomatoes topped with cheese) in butter and enjoy butter on my 1 slice of low-carb bread and have bacon/sausage/ham with out guilt. I found with a substantial breakfast with plenty of fats I don't want or need lunch and can easily wait til 6pm for dinner which is usually a much lighter meal.
Betsysgr8 wrote: I use butter and oils alot more now. It's taken me sometime to get used to freely using fats but this forum has really helped with getting over the fat phobia I had for a very long time. When I make breakfast (btwn 9 and 10am) I fry my eggs (with mushrooms, spinich and tomatoes topped with cheese) in butter and enjoy butter on my 1 slice of low-carb bread and have bacon/sausage/ham with out guilt. I found with a substantial breakfast with plenty of fats I don't want or need lunch and can easily wait til 6pm for dinner which is usually a much lighter meal.

Couldn't agree with you more Betsysgr8 regarding being stuck in the 'low fat is best' mind set. I still find it hard to use oil in dressings and cooking but I'm getting better and am sure my health is benefitting as a result. :smile:
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