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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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Only counted to begin with as to paraphrase SianS said not knowing what normal eating is is what got Us/me to where we are/were in the first place! :lol:
and as simcoeluv says sorting your fasting days out is a good idea especially as they are only 2 days of the week and then you can tackle the other five. :like:
For me also one meal day was my best option.
Do remember to take in plenty of fluid. This will mean plenty of trips to the bathroom (as you will see if you look around the site and dip into old posts). :grin:
Keeping busy on fast days is also to be recommended as it takes your mind away from food and hunger.
Also this woe fits in with your life so you can change your fast days as necessary, they don't have to on those two days every week.
If/when you have a fail treat it as a normal day and carry on as there is no diet wagon to fall off which is also the brilliant bit about all this (unless you give up completely) :smile:
Oh, and, yes, weird as it seems, after a fast when you expect to be ravenous isnoften when you are least hungry :?:
Oops sorry for the long post - I got carried away - could you tell :lol:
Good luck with your journey :clover:
Hi AnnieW, I'm on my 2nd day after f/day and still don't feel hungry. I'm just having some toast now because I don't want my body to think I'm starving it all week. Sunday roast later and I'm looking forward to that (that's why I'll never fast on sunday hehe). I only drink water and the odd glass of milk or hot coco normally but I'm just trying a green tea for the first time and yes, I can live with that. I don't feel I need to track what I'm eating at the moment because I am eating less but will look at that again if I need to :)
Hi again Dee as Annie said everyone (not on this wol) expects to be ravenous after and we rarely are so if I don't feel like breakfast the morning after a fast I don't bother with it, well it saves me more calories and I've so much to lose I could use the extra help Lol
I now listen more to my body and never eat because it meal time like I've done throughout my life. Besides me not taking a breakfast some days after my fast gives me a longer fast which should reap extra health benefits, obviously extra cals next day helps me after my Friday fast and I don't do this all the time because I don't want to feel deprived.
Good Luck and remember you can skip that toast if you want to because you are in charge. :clover: Sue. :clover:
Awww, thanks Sue. Good advice, I'll keep it in mind x
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