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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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Hi all, I'm new to this and only did my first fast yesterday. I tried fasting Thursday but failed by mid-afternoon, I was so hungry from having a yogurt in the morning and then a green salad for lunch that I just caved by 2:30. Anyway I completed a fast day yesterday and I'm very pleased with myself. I had 545 calories which I think is okay for my first time.
What I would like to know is, do you count calories on your non-fast days? I eat a healthy diet anyways, I try to stay away from processed foods, eat lots of salads and I cook from scratch but have a problem with portion control and my sweet tooth :( The funny thing is, after feeling so hungry yesterday and going to bed hungry, I don't feel very hungry today at all. Today I had 2 toast for breakfast and a small lunch. I wonder if it's because on a fast day you feel so hungry that on a non-fast day feeling peckish doesn't even register, if you know what I mean. So, do you count on non-fast days? :?:
It will be interesting to see who does and who doesn't

Dee x
Welcome to the forum, first and foremost

To answer your question, no you shouldn't count your calories on non fast days. Maybe you can weight the food you take at the beginning (for exemple not to exceed 100g) to give you an idea of what you really eat but I wouldn't count the calories

I don't.
Welcome to the forum Dee! In the beginning I calorie counted just so I could see and feel what is a 'normal' portion. Now, I don't calorie count anyday as I feel I have a pretty good idea of what I can have on both fast days and normal days. I also only have 1 meal on fast days, as eating any earlier would trigger my hunger. :)
The general consensus is that there is no need to calorie count on non-fast days. The diat itself will help you to recognise when you have overeaten or when to stop eating. You yourself will start to find it easier to say to yourself, 'do I really want this? Am I just bored or thirsty?'

The only time calorie counting is recommended is when you have a plateau or your weight is actually going up week on week, as that is when you usually find that the person is overeating, or having too much to drink (alcohol) and its overwhelming the fasting deficit.

If you put your data into the progress tracker it will give you a recommended daily calorie intake for fast days and normal days based on your sex, age, starting weight, and activity level.

All you need to remember is that this diet allows you to have whatever you want on a normal day, this however does not mean as much you want. So a couple of slices of bread with butter is fine, the slab of butter and half the loaf is not. You are very likely to start getting control of your appitite back in surprising ways. The first you have already encountered. Most people assume that after their first fast they will raid the cupboard or fridge or both and eat their own weight in food. It doesn't happen that way.

Keep at it, the fast days will get better, many find that its easier to not eat breakfast or lunch and to have a decent sized dinner instead. As the hunger pangs seems lessened that way.
When I started 5:2 I did count calories on non-fast days,because although the book famously advises eating normally, eating normally is what got me to a BMI of over 30 in the first place. In this forum eating normally has been translated into sticking within your TDEE, which the Progress Tracker will calculate for you.
I used MyFitnessPal to track calories until I had a better feel for what constituted normal eating (and drinking)

I spent so long typing my answer that Betsy got in and said it all first - so in short ...what she said
Well, just to buck the trend, I do count calories on non fast days! Mainly, because I've always been one of those people who looks at food and puts on weight, so I have to be careful all the time. However, that doesn't mean I don't have cake, chocolate, crisps etc, when I want to on fast days.
Hi Dee and Welcome glad you managed to fast on 2 and attempt :like:
I don't count now but am aware of what I eat making healthier choices
But on my fastdays I eat only evening meal now of 2 courses by way of a reward for going the 24 hrs :heart: I quickly found this to be best for me because once I ate lunch/snack I actually became more hungry,
Maybe that's why day one was hard for you also, play around with days + meals to find what ''fits'' your lifestyle.
Good Luck with your journey. :clover: Sue. :clover:
Thanks for that. I will not count on non-fast days and see how I get on. :) and Sue I think I will give the only eating an evening meal a go on Monday, see if I like that better. I think eating a small amount does make you feel a lot hungrier. Thanks :smile:
Welcome @justdee :smile:
I use MyFitnessPal to calorie count every day. I needed to at first because I had no idea of calorific values. And I'm now in the habit of doing it even though I don't really need to.
Like the above fasters, I too only have an evening meal on fasting days. It works for me!
The main thing is... Do what suits you! If you look at the progress that all the people who have replied have made, you'll see that 5:2 works, even though we might have slightly different approaches. :victory: :victory: :victory:

Good luck! :clover:
Hi and welcome:

The first thing you should do on 5:2 is do your fast days properly. Eat 500 or fewer two days a week. You can worry about your non fast days in a month or two after you have gotten into the 5:2 swing.

Here are some tips to help you get started: 5-2-diet-chat-f6/topic6317.html

And here are some things you might expect along the way: 5-2-diet-chat-f6/topic6491.html

Good Luck!
Welcome Dee..congrats on yr first fast..

At the moment i am visiting my daughter and son in law and eating and drinking a bit too much..but will put the brakes on after the weekend and get back on track
Like Chris,i try to calorie count on feed some extent anyway! And sometimes unsuccessfully!
But aside from that,its a nice feeling on a " fast and repair " day to know,if there is something in the kitchen that is just asking to be eaten,at least you know that if you really want to,you can have it the following day.i find that thought keeps me cheered up!
Hope you enjoy your time here,plenty of support and friendly advice on offer always!
Yes, I calorie count on non-fast days and it has meant a quicker loss for me. I also weigh myself every day and write it down, logging whether I'm on a fast day or not, whether I've had a run etc. I like statistics and it keeps me on the straight and narrow! lol I started my weight loss programme on 11th May and have lost 41lbs in 4 months. I am now just 4 pounds away from my target. Like the majority, I only eat a light evening meal on my fast days.... my stomach is better left "asleep"!!!!
Thanks for the advice everybody, noted. I will be staying under the 500 calories from now on @Simcoeluv. I only went over because I had the left over veg from dinner, next time I'll just go to bed, and thanks for the links. Your all doing so well and a big WOW to @Domane, what a great job you've done, to lose 41lbs in 4 months. That's the best result I've seen so far.
I will not count on non-fast days and see how I get on. I will just have my evening meal next fast day and see how that is for me. I haven't counted today (non-f/day) but really haven't had an apatite, at dinner tonight I had a much smaller portion and was satisfied. I hope at last that switch has flicked in my head, it sure feels like somethings changed :)
And thanks everyone for the warm welcome. I can see I'm going to like it here x
I have just started and I do count calories on non fast days. But I know this isn't how the theory works. The idea of eating normally on non fast days is so that your body doesn't go into starvation mode leading to a weight increase down the track. But now I have successfully completed 3 fast days, each one getting easier I just don't want that good work to go to waste on the non fast days. Hmmm it's tricky isn't it. I want results now, so know I have to watch my self on the NON fast days more that on the fast days!
I never counted calories on nonfast days, but initially I kept a food diary so that I was more aware of how much I was taking in.

Good luck!
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