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Calories, calories, calories!
19 Dec 2013, 17:17
Hello my little Christmas buddies, me again with yet another question. I was just wondering where you all find your calorie amounts. I usually just eat M&S meals but sometimes I'd like to add veg, for example and next year I plan to try and cook up some delish meals. Anyway, the actual 5:2 book only gives calorific amounts per 100g and MFP isn't that much clearer. Any amazing calorie processing secrets you could share?...please?! To make my life easier?...please?

Bean :confused:
MFP lets you amend the portion size depending upon what units the item is using. So for example if something is showing 100g and yours is 50g, then you just change the portion size to 0.5.
Oh yes so it does...doh!!

Any suggestions for low cal veg? Eg are carrots ok or is it better to use green veg?

Greens every time. Roots are the most calorific (but still good for you).
I weigh the veg as I put them on my plate on in a dish and use a calculator to fing proportional value. Carrots are OK - I think the same as broccoli from memory
Spinach, cauli, broc, (any brassica) mushrooms, peppers, celeriac (very versatile)
Do you weigh them raw or cooked? And does that make any difference?

Calories are so precious on fast days aren't they!!
Ok bean, you say that you don't like MFP. But when you get used to it, it's not too bad at all. I have made my own recipes on there and it works out how much of everything there is in it. Eg. you input the quantities of everything, it asks how many portions and voila, you have a portion value of cal, fat, carbs, protein, etc etc.
So afraid to say I can't offer any alternatives as I'm a MFP gal.
COURGETTES!! Low cal.. About 32 per whole courgette (200g) - I have the lot! Aubergine, roughly the same per 100g.. I often have both with whatever, add some mushrooms, garlic, bit of homemade ragu, sprinkle of parmesan - job done! LUSH
Green veg is very low calorie and a large serving of broccoli, spinach, asparagus, green beans or cabbage is about 30-50 calories. I used Wiki and weighed my greens until I got used to what portion size to cook. Root vegetables have more natural sugars/starches in them and are higher in calories as a result, but not badly so! Enjoy your greens.
Well I've just had some frozen peas and broad beans...ok not brilliant but it's a start,

Ok Caroline, I'll give MFP a better go. 2014 will be a good MFP year I'm sure! :confused:
In prep for my first fast and new WoE, I put together a spreadsheet (I know, so sad :oops: ) of food I would be eating, i.e. vegetables, fruit etc. Just the basics.

Seeing them listed you get to realise that alot of veg isn't much different in cals (mainly the green variety !). Using MFP or other available sites on the web, you quickly work how much a portion is, weighing of course :wink:

Now I can gauge veg size without weighing and how many cals it is.

I don't always find MFP easy to use, its not bad, but I tend to select 1 grm and then times it by the weight (as mostly its under 100gr). Its easy to put in a google search, calories for this veg.. This is sometimes easier to do :smile:
Have a look at Calorie King. I find that easier than MFP
I use calorie count because I like the recipe builder.

As for veg, I'd say avoid pulses like peas and beans and root veg like parsnips, carrots and of course potatoes on a fast day as they're all fairly carby.
I just use the 5:2 book. Simple math allows you to convert the calories from a 100g portion to whatever size you need.

As for veg, I go for as many colors and textures as possible. A 100g carrot is only 34 cals according to 5:2. Bean sprouts, aubergines, mushrooms (not a veg but can be used like one), spinach, bell peppers. I'm craving stir fry now!

Btw, though I faithfully recorded calories on fast days in the beginning, I don't bother now unless I'm trying something new. I don't count at all on nonfast days. I occasionally look over calorie charts just to get a feel for how low or high different foods are.
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