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I am sorry I am so late in getting back to you, but we're having trouble with this.

Dr. Mattson sent me the 29 page (yikes, it was even longer than I thought!) study in a word attachment to his email.

I filed the email away in my word documents. Because it is so long, and my husband knows that each post only allows a certain amount of wording, we don't know how to send it to you guys!

If there was a website email we could use we could send it as an attachment, but don't how to do it otherwise! Anyone have any ideas?

I already googled "Intermittent Calorie Restriction, Insulin Resistance, and Biomarkers of Brain Function", hoping to find the document on the web, which would make it easy to link. It's nowhere!

Oh well, I did try everyone. Here's hoping there's a way of doing this!
Perhaps you can email the word document to @Moogie? I know there is a public site that @PhilT used to link his excel spreadsheet with his lists of studies in the 5:2 lab forum section, I'll see if I can find it with the websites name. Unless @carorees knows which site it is?
While I could assist in converting the file to a .pdf someone would need to host it on a site. Not sure if any of the moderators can save documents here on the forum but hopefully one will be along shortly.
Hi h&f - I'm sure Moogie or someone will pick this up and sort it for you (and us!).

In the meantime, just wanted to thank you (and your husband) for your efforts so far. Much appreciated.

Cheers, B&W
Oh you so welcome. My pleasure. I just feel foolish that I ever left the easiest way of "dieting" I ever found in my life! The human brain can be pretty dumb sometimes! Self-sabotage maybe? This time, I'm making it my routine way of eating FOREVER. Really what excuse is there now?

Hopefully moogie or someone will help us out so we can share this.
H&F, do you have a dropbox or other cloud storage account? If so, just save your file to a public folder on dropbox (or whatever) and then post the link to the file on the forum. Or, email it to me and I'll sort it for you!
Ok, just found how PhilT posted his spreadsheet, he did it with it's open to the public. BUT the paper you want to share with us was shared with you, is it right to post it on google? Perhaps, it would be better and more ethical if we were to get a copy of the study through our individual email accounts? I know @Moogie is very busy at the moment with house selling/buying so not sure what would be the solution. Perhaps it could be emailed to @Carorees and she could share with us the pertinant information? (helpful for those of us that are a bit challenged with reading studies, lol)

Lol, Caroline replied already.
You should be able to attach it to the post as a PDF if you're able to convert it. Do you have permission to redistribute it?
Moogie, I do not have permission. Thank you so much for bringing this up. I don't want to get in trouble. Dr. Mattson was kind enough to email it to me, but made no mention of distribution - whether I can or cannot. I don't want to get anyone in trouble, and I certainly don't want to get in trouble. Thank you Moogie. Not sure what to do now, so I'm not doing anything.

I'm sorry everyone for saying I would post it. I read it over again, and to sum it up in language we can all understand: 640 calories on two consecutive days using 4 Atkins Advantage shakes (which equal 640 cals/8 grams net carbs if using the chocolate flavor), eat as you normally do on the other 5 days, but do not consciously overeat. Weight loss, insulin resistance and brain function will be analyzed after 8 weeks.

I'm so sorry for promising this. I just don't want to get into trouble, especially since Dr. Mattson was kind enough to email me this after I expressed considerable interest in 5:2.
Also, no mention of vitamins, and study subjects will exercise as they have normally done. No special additions. Basically, just live your life aside from the special 2 consecutive days of fasting.
Also, and very important since I don't know if I already mentioned, this, but study participants will ONLY be post menopausal women aged 55-70 who are overweight but with a BMI under 40 (350 lbs). The reason for this was given in the study. Let me know if you want to know why and I'll go look it up.

But this is perfect for me since I happen to fit all that criteria! ha ha!
@hymns&faith, would you be willing to share his email address in a private message with @carorees for her to follow-up? Carorees is a professional so perhaps he would be willing to share information with her.
Hi everyone, here is Mark Mattson's email address:

This address is not private or confidential; I found it on the internet as anyone can. I no longer wish to pursue publishing the study protocol, but as mentioned above, if anyone else wants additional information, I'll bet Mr.Mattson would be open to emails, as he was to mine.
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