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Re: Carbs on eating days
19 May 2014, 22:37
I am working my way back to just eating vegetable based carbs with little or no grains based carbs. I did find last time that the less I had the less I craved. But the little addicted voice in my head is screaming Nooooooo!.

As well as Marks Daily Apple, I recommend reading the book 'Wheat belly' by Dr.Davis. It made a LOT of sense to me. When I went wheat free I lost 13lb in the first 3 weeks. I put it all back on when the next bout of stress hit, but I may well do it again for a month just to give myself that pre-holiday boost I so want.
Re: Carbs on eating days
19 May 2014, 23:10
Hi Phil. Great feedback from the forum. I've never eaten sweet things since my late teens as I became unwell/poisoned - so sweet things perhaps once or twice a month and I enjoy and choose wisely!
But before 5:2 I lost my balance, so I cut pasta, bread, rice and now enjoy occasionally in small amounts at the weekend. To get to that point I did strip the carbs out of my diet, I'm re-introducing gently.
It seems to be working for me, I hope that is helpful to you.

Re: Carbs on eating days
20 May 2014, 06:54
Hi Phil,
Some really interesting replies - which just goes to show that we're all different! Hope you find something that works for you :-)
Re: Carbs on eating days
20 May 2014, 23:05
Thanks @Candicemarie for the exercises for my sore heel!! I was doing a few sporadically but there were a few new ones there.
@Julieathome, I'm doing a 3 week break from wheat if you care to join me? And @philxjr? No pressure though. :like:
Re: Carbs on eating days
21 May 2014, 03:47
After being diagnosed with gestation diabetes, and working with a nutritionist, one thing that helped me is the "link and balance" approach to carbs. As others have said, carbs can make you hungrier because of the insulin spike. For example, if I have a serving of french fries alone, I am SO hungry. If I eat more fries, I am even hungrier! If I had balanced that serving of fries with a piece of beef, or a boiled egg, or some other protein, I would have felt more full and satiated, and saved myself some calories in the long run.

Linking proteins to carbohydrates keeps blood glucose and insulin levels to a minimum, allowing the body to use more calories for energy and NOT for fat storage.

Here is a link with some guides for amounts of carbs and protein to balance in a meal. It's just a guide, you can tweak it to work for you, or just "eyeball" it next time you are enjoying your carbs, and throw in a piece of protein you might not normally have. You might find that you consume fewer carbs at that meal.

Re: Carbs on eating days
21 May 2014, 05:36
I've had PF. Horrible. Rolling a cold can of drink around with your foot can help, or try a tennis ball.

Phil, throughout my 20+ years of on/off dieting, I've observed that bread (especially the more processed types) sticks to me. Back in the days of calorie counting, I could guarantee that i would lose less or not at all if i had been eating bread that week.

I don't have any problems with other carbs and often have a portion of potatoes or rice as part of my fast day meal.

I now regard bread as a treat food rather like alcohol or chocolate. It has taken a very long time to accept that this is the only way for my body. I TRY to make the bread that I have good stuff, but freely admit that I could quite happily eat half a loaf of warburtons white sliced in one hit. I just DON'T any more. If I lapse, I just move on to the next day.
Re: Carbs on eating days
21 May 2014, 07:03
As quite a few have you have said its bread and wheat products that pile on the fat or make you plain hungry! In the old days they used to say if you eat bread with every meal you'll put weight on! It's certainly true for me. I have largely cut it out and only eat refined flour pruducts occasionally now!
I also read Wheat Belly and Grain Brain, two books which put me off bread etc ! I could happily eat bread til it came out of my ears, but now I treat it with caution!
It certainly helps to cut down on bread or even cut it out completely if you appear to be sensitive to its charms. :geek:
Re: Carbs on eating days
21 May 2014, 07:16
Hubs is about to embark on a diet designed to cure the muscle pains that he has been left with thanks to statins. It is basically fruit, vegetables, pure spring water, white meat, goats cheese and sounds quite healthy. All wheat products are banned so no bread, pasta cakes etc. No processed foods or potatoes, in fact it sounds rather like my own, and a lot of folk on here, diet so I'm hoping he can stick to it AND lose weight. He is no good with food restriction normally as, he says, he doesn't care about his weight but I know he does really, but this is to help him solve some serious and permanent side effects, so here's hoping

Ballerina x :heart:
Re: Carbs on eating days
21 May 2014, 07:22
@cblasz what are orthotics pls ?
@philxjr yes isnt it odd that PF is worse when you first get up? Wdnt you think after rest it wd be a bit better? :confused: i am practically lame when i first get out of bed! Hope it passes soon for me and @julianna..and anyone else..coz it is horrible and just seems to come out of the blue...
@Winsome ive been using my big jar of coconut oil for the PF rolling exercise! Is there no end to the uses of coconut oil! :lol:
Re: Carbs on eating days
21 May 2014, 10:52
Orthotics are inserts that go in your shoes. I have custom ones from the podiatrist, so they are fitted exactly to my feet.
Re: Carbs on eating days
21 May 2014, 12:01
The reason PF is bad in the morning is because as you sleep the tendon relaxes and pulls it back. You can get a boot which keeps it taught of really bad. I had it really bad about two years ago and had to have the steroid injection in my heel. Hurt like hell but was so worth it. Nothing since.
It's worth knowing that you can buy the insert in boots the chemist (uk)and those little heel lads you can buy for high heels help as well. Also ibuprofen gel on the painful bit helps. But mostly pulling your rows up towards you whilst asleep helped me. And I still do it now as habit.
Re: Carbs on eating days
21 May 2014, 20:02
julianna wrote: Thanks @Candicemarie for the exercises for my sore heel!! I was doing a few sporadically but there were a few new ones there.
@Julieathome, I'm doing a 3 week break from wheat if you care to join me? And @philxjr? No pressure though. :like:

Thanks for the offer but I don't think I could go completely without just yet struggling to cut down the bread at the mo. Good luck though will be interested to see how you go :smile:
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