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Programme called "Got Thin, Got Fat Again".... I think the title explains the subject.... might be worth a view....
I shall be watching :like:
That'll be about me then :( humph
Minsmum wrote: That'll be about me then :( humph

And me :curse:
Thank you I will set the recorder.
I didn't think it had a lot to say. It was just 'look at these people ( all women) not managing to control their weight' No answers and no mention of 5:2 which I am sure could be the answer for at least some of them. Even the successful (for now) slimmer could only control her weight by constantly denying herself
I thought it was quite depressing, actually!
The poor things needed help and they weren't getting it. I felt so sorry for them. They were expected to go by the usual wisdom, eat less, exercise more, cut out fats etc. they were struggling.
I watched this programme (or most of it) and wanted to tell the poor folks who were featured on the show about 5:2.
The show kept returning to Josie, a blonde curvy girl from Bristol, who had become famous on Big Brother, a few years ago. She has obviously lost a huge amount of weight (not sure exactly how) and is now 'the smallest I've ever been'. She was shown making juices, eating out with a friend, and running with others who attend a fitness club that she runs.
The show also featured other ladies who were very large and had dieted for most of their adult lives.
It was a timely reminder to me (and I'm sure, other viewers) that any weight lost is one thing, but the real challenge is maintaining the new weight in the long term.
Perhaps the organisers of this forum should contact the ladies featured and see if this style of weight loss would help them.
I found it quite depressing to be honest seeing women constantly yo-yo dieting and seemingly accepting that they would never be able to maintain a healthy weight once their 'diet' had ended. Just wanted to shout at them to try 5:2 and take control!
I saw most of it and like Callyanna and others I was desperate for them to be told about 5:2. The mother and daughter combo were particularly sad. But there was no story as such, we weren't told how the one slim person had lost her weight, and there was the usual repetition of stuff, very voyeuristic. And the slim woman recalling how her boyfriend used to get insulted by his workmates for having a fat girlfriend, and laughing about it - what was that all about?? I suppose it is supposed to be 'entertainment', not documentary. Depressing that so much of this stuff passes for entertainment though.
I didn't watch it. Reason being, even by the title, it felt negative. I have felt so positive with what I have been doing this year that I didn't want depressing. I haven't gone on a diet - I changed the way and what I eat in a 'no big deal' sort of a way. I then added 5:2 to the mix. Glad I didn't put it on.
Depressing on so many levels. Those poor women (why all women?) stuck in this cycle many of us know too well. The lack of any central message or any kind of conclusion. The fact that this kind of programme gets made at all.

Mind you, Channel 5, so what was I expecting? Serious thoughtful analysis of a growing health issue in modern society? More fool me!
I'm glad I didn't watch it. Sounds depressing. I don't know who that big brother person is, but I googled it and its here Looks like she turned paleo to lose her weight and gave up sugar, booze etc etc.
Thanks to on demand I have caught up with this show. I have only watched part of it because to tell you the truth it's pi33ing me off!
The programme seems to be trivialising obesity and food addiction and these women's quests for the elusive goal weight. Let's sit and laugh and watch in wonder at the fat birds who have tried everything and are still fat! Fat pictures on a fridge, fad diets, slimming pill with the resulting "spaghetti bolognese " in my knickers quote and drinking juice through a straw, I hate it but it's healthy therefore I'll get slim.
Then there are the excuses that are bandied about oh but laugh at me please. Oh and I contemplated suicide oh don't worry that's funny too. WTF?!?
There seems to be a real lack of education and support. Women ( why just women) men get fat too! Who want a quick fix. This don't work. Someone tell them it doesn't work, tell them that they will have to calorie count for the rest of their days. You have to be a perfect soul to do this and I'm sorry this is not going to happen. It's not in the past and it's not going to now.
But what's really saddened me is that after watching half the programme it's obvious to my untrained eye that 2 of these women are suffering from depression. I don't know if this comes out later on in the show, I doubt it. They are obese, depressed, they keep on eating its a vicious cycle, it's crash tv at its best!
And as for the blonde big brother lady ( I'm sorry I don't know her) it's obvious her man is in love with her and her size is not an issue she was fat he got the p. taken out of him he said he loved her. Then waved a pizza under her nose!
I think the media is selling girls and women an unobtainable perfection. It keeps the diet and fitness industry alive, it keeps the money coming in. But to believe it is right to laugh at the failing fatties is wrong so very very wrong.
Rant over.
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