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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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Well it does in this house :wink:

Bofa45 mentioned a Christmas party & that got me thinking, that we need to get our (weight) house in order before the festivities when, let's face it, there's a pretty high chance of it all going horribly Pete Tong

So what's your goal for Friday 20th (either weight, or a particular item of clothing)?

I'm lucky in that I'm a mainteneer now, but I know that I've still got to keep my eye on the ball, so my aim quite simply is to be EXACTLY the same weight as I am now = 63.6kg
No Christmas parties for us; I am self employed and hub's work has a boozy do that he doesn't go to, as spouses are not invited.
Son and DiL and kids will be away this year, so we're toying with the idea of going off in the caravan, which we've done before.
Goal weight 10st 10lbs, or 150lbs.
That gives me a little wiggle room over the festering season!!
Well I will be happy at any weight that's lower than I am now :heart:
My ''interim '' goal is set at 95 kg which is roughly my halfway stage
Don't know if that's feasible for Xmas as I don't want to put pressure on myself because I've a holiday coming up and the 6 month plateau due.
As for clothes mine are all new so I can take my pick as I won't buy anything new for a while because I put on a top to go out in last night that I haven't used yet and its got a little room in it since I bought it
5 weeks ago :heart: the old singer machine will have to be dusted of again :heart: so now I'm set up waiting for the invites which always
come in together and then I have to juggle them to try and accommodate as many as possible. :clover: Sue. :clover:
I weigh on 21st of each month so it will be an important milestone for me. I'm hoping to be 14 pounds less by then......
Hope to be at goal and maintaining but I will not be fasting that day but likely to squeeze in a couple of fasts between then and Christmas Day so I have wiggle room for festive foods. I am usually a moderate eater Christmas Day .... until I get to dessert
Weight, less than it is now. Very quiet Christmas here as there are no young ones in the family. I just have teens and 20+ year olds and no grandkids. Food will just be one celebratory meal, and thats it really. Were trying to get our finances in decent order so there won't be much in the way of presents either.
It's not just Christmas that can be a challenge. We are repeating a competition at work this year that worked great for a lot of folks. We call it Holiday Hurdle. The goal is to get thru Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years without gaining weight.

Maybe some of you could get some folks interested in starting one at your work, or maybe just among family members. One key is putting up a small amount of money. A highlight of our rules this year are:

-Upfront you pay $24...which is $2 a week for the 12 week holiday period
-You weigh each week on Monday or Tuesday with the goal to maintain or of course weigh less than the prior week
-For each week you weigh more than the prior week, you forfeit $2
-During the 12 weeks, you are allowed 3 mulligans (your weight is more than the prior week)
-The forfeited money is divided between the top 3 winners of weight lost 50, 30, and 20
-For those who make it thru the 12 weeks without gaining, the company matches your money, so it is a win win, no holiday weight gain, and a few extra $
-A mulligan cannot be used on the last weigh in
-There are team awards too for the team who has the most weight loss success, like a half day off

The results were amazing last year and we had some big losers. Others loved the incentive to keep those 5-10 lbs from sneaking on. You'd be surprised how much you resistant level goes up just to keep from losing $2.

Also, it is anonymous...except for the person tracking the weigh ins as we all select fun names. Our team name this year is going to be Fat Cats and we have all selected names of famous cats. If anyone is interested, I could provide the poster we use to promote the program.
Hi Annie what a great question!
Like Sue and Julie " weigh less" is my goal
To get back into the size 18 tops that no longer fit,and to fit comfortably in my too snug 20 s wd be good..
I hate to see them hang uselessly in the wardrobe
Seems a modest enough aim doesnt it
Loved Golinda' s description of what they do at her workplace! Brilliant idea!
I no longer even really celebrate Xmas except for some nice food and drink Christmas Eve/Day and some pressies for the kids. Apart from that i like to focus on the really needy at xmas and give to children and animal charities
Thanks for bringing this up tho..its good coz youre making us focus and plan for a very tempting time of year!
Am sure together we will handle it and if we put on a little weight,thats ok at the most festive time of year..and no one is gonna sue us!
And like Gillymary said, we can squeeze in a fast day or two in the run up! X
Christmas really does start on 21st December in our house as it is my husband's birthday and the whole family go out for a meal. We also get our Christmas tree on that day and decorate it. I am kind of in maintenance at the moment; but although I am still fasting twice a week I seem to have lost interest in my Thursday fasts and struggle to complete them. I love Golinda's idea of the competition. We don't tend to eat a huge amount at Christmas, maybe a few more sweets than usual and a bit more cheese!
I see the slogan shop early for Christmas and book your Christmas meal in August which is ridiculous- And ladies it is still September- far too soon to be stressing about Christmas food.If we over eat at whatever time of year we have the tools to deal with the result.
Mmm yeah Merlin, its September but it will be October in a day or two
Don't think anyone was stressing..just enjoying a good old chat like on any topic :)
And Annie the author deffo isnt stressing! She is now enjoying being at her goal weight and intends keeping there! X

Ps but yeh totes agree with you re overly-early media messages that i began to see in July! x
Heee heee CandiceMarie, the other reason I'm not stressing is that I've already bought quite a few presents & those that I haven't bought I've already pretty much decided on, know how much they'll cost & where I'm getting them from (just haven't bought them yet in case I have a better idea in the meantime)

Tme to make the Christmas cake next week and then no one in our household is allowed to mention it until December. Looking forward to feeding the cake - and the cook! *hic*
AnnieD wrote: my aim quite simply is to be EXACTLY the same weight as I am now = 63.6kg

I think you should cut yourself a little more slack, Annie, and give yourself a small window at least!
I'd like to have another 14 lbs down by Christmas! I've a beautiful red dress that's a size 14 and I'd love to have it fit properly for Christmas Day!
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