I really need some lovely advice and encouragement...and quite frankly a good kick up the bum! I have been suffering lately...my CFS (or ME) has got worse. This has left me in a low mood, which in turn has found me turning to food for comfort (the old story, eh?). I really need pulling out of this quagmire so I can get back up on the fasting horse (so to speak). I'm sure I can't be alone with this comfort eating malarkey. I mean I actually eat when I'm full...is it boredom? Probably...but how do I stop it?
Suggestions on a postcard please...or failing that just some great replies...even some before and after pics to give me a boost...to infinity and beyond!
As you can see I'm desperate
Suggestions on a postcard please...or failing that just some great replies...even some before and after pics to give me a boost...to infinity and beyond!
As you can see I'm desperate
