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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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Comfort eater!!
16 Jan 2014, 10:01
I really need some lovely advice and encouragement...and quite frankly a good kick up the bum! I have been suffering CFS (or ME) has got worse. This has left me in a low mood, which in turn has found me turning to food for comfort (the old story, eh?). I really need pulling out of this quagmire so I can get back up on the fasting horse (so to speak). I'm sure I can't be alone with this comfort eating malarkey. I mean I actually eat when I'm it boredom? Probably...but how do I stop it?

Suggestions on a postcard please...or failing that just some great replies...even some before and after pics to give me a infinity and beyond!

As you can see I'm desperate :)

Bean :sleepy:
hi Bean

sorry to hear you are feeling poorly, not surprised about the comfort eating.. I really hope this eases off for you soon and you start to feel better, I am sorry I am useless re the comfort food, I am not sure what to advise but am sure others will respond, but I can relate somehow because when I am down I turn to chocs grr, this is my downfall and I cant live without lol!! so to compensate I go for longer walks, this past week has been a tough one for the family due to a sudden death, and sometimes only the stuff we love will do....Please do not be too hard on yourself, you are allowed to fall off the wagon, the beauty of this WOL is that you can get back onboard when you are ready, pick up where you left off :-)
wishing you all the best, and I bet you'll be back fasting in a flash!!
Thanks Angie, I'm sure you're right. I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. Hope you're ok. :heart:
Good morning bean, love your avatar by the way.

As I do not know a jot about your condition, I cannot comment further on it. But I also used to be a comfort eater, some folk turn to booze, some to food.

The only thing I can do is try and help you to re-set yourself.

First of all why do you want to do 5.2?
Maybe try and focus on this a while.

Remember how good you felt when you were "In the Zone"
Do you want to get that great feeling back.

Nobody is perfect, every single one of us is here for the same reason.......We ate too much

I'm sure someone cleverer and more experienced than me will come along a slap you with the wet fish.
I hope you feel more accomplished soon. :heart:
:heart: Hi @nursebean Yes I'm same I keep doing a reasonable fastday then the xmas chocks start calling me. Lol
:shock: We need to get a grip You + Me + probably many more I'ts the first xmas for many of us and we must learn from this and shop a little more carefully next time around.
For you your health issues will pull you down and that's understatable but today the sun is shinning and spring is on the way all the more reasons to get a grip :shock:

:shock: 4 weeks tomorrow need I say more?
My signature is getting out of date I certainly need to pull my socks up coz my valentines challenge is now doubtful but we can't fail on this amazing WOL and we won't so if we just creep a little closer that would be :heart: Fantastic :heart: :heart:
nursebean wrote: Thanks Angie, I'm sure you're right. I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. Hope you're ok. :heart:

Thank you Bean :heart:
Sorry to hear Angie, that must be so tough.
Cfs is rough Nursebean I can understand the comfort eating. Don't be hard on yourself.
I also eat when I'm full but I have no excuses except greed. Maybe your body is needing extra nutrients while you feel unwell.
Bean, what exactly is it that you are craving? carbs? choc? or just anything you can get your hands on? :grin:
Why not try allowing yourself a treat every day, if it were me it would have to be something sweet to look forward to in the evening. Something not too calorific like a scone or hot cross bun :shock: that feels naughty but might satisfy your 'hunger'.....just a thought! x
Obviously chocolate comes in to it...but actually not as much as it used to before doing the 5:2. Why, before fasting, I would sometimes manage a whole 400g bar of Dairy Milk (my real weakness) in one sitting!! Now my weakness usually lies in cereals (at the moment Cheerios but I have been known to munch on a couple of bowls...or more of Bran Flakes...thinking that would be a healthy way to "binge"!) does anyone else turn to cereal?

Of course, the most sensible solution would be to make sure I don't have these things in the house :(
Can't read/write much today bean,bit under the weather but i empathise..
Check out " famine reaction " ..could have something to do with it
Hello Bean!
Despite meeting my Christmas target I put on FOUR pounds over Christmas and NY and it has turned out not to be water weight!!! :shock:

I also have a house full of goodies and whilst I am getting through 5:2 I am eating plenty of rubbish on the other days. Maybe the forum users need a whole lorryload of wet fish?? :wink:

I have a friend with CFS and she gets really down with her illness as she can't do the things she wants and that definitely contributes to her comfort eating. I myself always find January a dark gloomy time of year and just want to disappear under a blanket with some Thorntons until spring.

Don't be hard on yourself, you are certainly not the only foodie here and most of us don't have an illness to blame!!

A random tip that may or may not work for you - try cleaning your teeth as soon as you have eaten your evening meal. I find it stops me wanting to put things into my mouth!!

Take care of yourself xx
Hello, Bean - many empathies (yes, I realise there's probably no such word - there is now!) with your comfort eating. Christmas always seems to make it worse for me, as not only do I eat more, there's usually too much left over in January and the longer it lasts, the harder it is to kick it.
I wish I had the easy answer. The only one that works for me is cold turkey... no, not cold turkey itself, just not having the stuff in the house. Mind you, there's always something, isn't there? During the day, I can be very, very good, but during a sleepless bout, in the deep, dark night, it's any port in a storm.
Last night it was the (not so) small hunk of left over Parmesan (gone now), but over the last few bouts of sleeplessness, it was cold meat, salami (I'm sure hub thinks there's a mouse in our fridge!), a hunk of Cheddar - you get the picture.
And no, I'm not feeling virtuous on account of not having chocolate, as it doesn't jangle my bells.

No, at the end of the day (or night) it's something only you can address, but we are all here for you. Just don't give up on your new way of life, as you will conquer all and triumph over adversity.

And empathies too, to Angie and Candicemarie xx
Cheer up Bean. Google Good luck :like:
Aw as always my forum buddies come to my aid. I KNEW you wouldn't let me down!

@Spanner I LOVE your that your dog? Yes, I think you're right about toothpaste so I will definitely give cleaning my teeth after my last meal a go!

@Pennyforthem thank you for your "empathies" great word by the way!

Thanks @Rawkaren I will have a more detailed look at that site, but so far so good!

@Kencc I think your signature should really be enough to put me off food...but thanks for your list of food to try

And finally, @Candicemarie hope you'll feel much better soon xx

Thanks everyone for your help...I feel much more positive already!

Bean :heart:
Could you take up stitching or knitting. It gives your hands and brain something to do and you cannot eat while doing it
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