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Ignore and don't give her the oxygen of publicity.
I think she just says things to get attention, she's full of sh!te and she can't possible believe all she says. You have to feel sorry for her really, she had to make a job out of upsetting people, she's one of the most 'hated' women in the uk, but she doesn't care, it pays her bills :( She only gets airtime because she's so nasty. She shouldn't get any, but most stuff on tv is negative so it figures.
I would love to post a hilarious clip of KH making a complete arse of herself on a daytime TV show but wouldn't want this thread to be plunged into bad taste! Anyway...... She was saying how she judges her children's friends by their first name and cuts them out quickly if they are not right (it's a class thing and you can tell if a child is suitable or not by their name of course!) She said that she hates childrens names that are geographical locations, seasons, footballers, silly ones like Apple Fizz etc. the laugh is that her own children are called Poppy, Maximillian and wait for it............ India, which she says it's not a location!
She just courts sensationalism and controversy by being ridiculous but it all backfires anyway because she just makes herself look silly. Oh and by the way, I did watch the fat programme because I had been reading an interesting article about her in the newspaper earlier that day. I think she is popular because a, there are people who agree with what she says but are afraid to admit it, b, others can't comprehend that she really believes the things she says and c, because everyone else watches her with their tongues firmly in their cheeks. I know which camp I fall into! Anyway, she got us talking about her didn't she?
I would be interested to know how she makes a living - does she have a "proper" job or does she get paid for all these appearances on TV etc?
The media love people like this because they generate lots of page views and the page views sell advertising.

Years ago, when some of you probably weren't even born I used to write columns for magazines. The more angry letters in the "letter to the editor" column, the happier my editor was and the more they wanted me to write, because they figured that people would show the article that annoyed (or excited) them to their friends with similar interests and that would help the magazine.

So yes, when you see someone like this remember that it is click-bait and don't raise that person's visibility by clicking through or watching and sending the message to the media presenting them that they are bringing in eyeballs. OTOH, angry letters to the editors aren't helpful. Angry letters to the advertisers whose ads you saw with the offensive content can often get that person canned.
This dreadful woman was on Access Hollywood tonight over the Kelly Clarkson trolling. They branded her 'mean and hurtful' and commented that 'the most hated woman in Britain' was a title that was much deserved. You could tell that one of the presenters was deeply unimpressed with what was coming out of her mouth, and it being aired in California just made her sound totally crass. After they told her she was a bully she retaliated by commenting about us needing to do something about America being the fattest society in the world. She is clearly loving the coverage that she is generating. I didn't even want to validate her by writing this, but I felt deeply ashamed to be British watching her on TV tonight. For a supposedly intelligent woman, she must relish in how utterly stupid she comes over as.

Don't get the point. Yeah some people might be fat and may cost the health service millions (her point), but it is better than being a totally vacuous human being and spiritually defunct.

Not sure if the entire interview is here but here is a preview ... eo_2669437
Goodness! She does like to slam it out there! The media is a cruel ogre saying "dance monkey dance" and so she does. What a puppet :0/
Quote @nursebean...
"I think the answer to this woman is...just ignore her...then hopefully she might GO AWAY."
This sums her up..she causes controversy to gain notoriety and attention...Sad sign of the times! Take no notice and she' ll fade away into the background. X
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Katie Hopkins rocks! There I said it. She gets payed vast amounts of money to be controversial and she does it well. Her publicity team are very very clever people. They look for what's hot in the public eye then unleash her. The public are then all up in arms and her name is everywhere. job done. I know I'd be running for cover when the baying mob rounds the corner! She has, in my opinion, the biggest pair of b@££s out there to put herself in front of the world and say "come on then". Yeah she says some very dubious things, but, she has a lot of people out there who say yep just what I was thinking, and there are some things she has said about certain issues that I have thought this....actually I agree with what you are saying, I just don't agree with the way you are saying it.
Yes she is un PC, yes she is controversial and yes she is rude, but......she gets payed to do it.
Don't take her seriously, she's put in the media to make people gasp, and why not?? Someone has to provide the "entertainment" Yeah I think she gets carried away with herself at time, but which "celebrity" ( I use that term very loosely - I refer to the 15 minutes of fame crowd) doesn't ? Thing is not everyone is nice, not everyone is polite and some people just don't care..the public hate her, the media loves her, she gets the so called fame and air time she craves! However I don't rate her chances much if she tripped over in the street and couldn't get up!!! She knows what she's doing, I doubt if a lot of what she says, she herself takes too seriously, and if she does, so what. We are all entitled to our opinions even if they upset others and she's doing very nicely on it.


P.S. Mins real life ( i.e. on her birth certificate) name is India. I am fat therefore I'm a scuzzy lazy bag, so you may not want to ever associate with me on this forum again. I know Katie wouldn't!!!
Katie's Daughter is called India.
Brand-ie wrote: Katie's Daughter is called India.

Yeah I know (sigh) but I want it known her name is not a celebration of where she was conceived!!!
rawkaren wrote: This dreadful woman was on Access Hollywood tonight over the Kelly Clarkson trolling. They branded her 'mean and hurtful' and commented that 'the most hated woman in Britain' was a title that was much deserved.

I saw that too - and now I know all about her and I'd never heard of her before - so, its working !! However, @Minsmum - you made some very valid points that I have to agree with !!!!

" worse than Rolf Harris. Given that Rolf's bad deeds is child molestatation (or so the court system there said) "

May I say that I am unsure as to how I should interpret this comment, do you believe he is innocent and/or our judicial system made up the evidence?

Ballerina x :heart:
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