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Re: counting calories
01 Oct 2013, 17:28
I know the point is supposed to be, no need to cal count on feed days..
But if like me you have a lot to lose,think its necessary to keep an eye on it.
My question is,can anyone tell me, as someone who really has a good few stone to lose...should i be eating under my TDEE on feed days
TDEE is around 1900 but i usually have less..around 1700
i am losing very slowly on it,tho my clothes are the tiniest bit looser,my face is slightly thinner after six weeks ( with some cheating along the way)
I look and eyes clearer...I am not as dizzy,digestive system feels calmer,so i am deffo getting some" repair" results with my fast days
Thinking of dropping to 1400 in hopes of a better weight loss
Is this ok or does it put me into famine reaction?
Thank you all you longtimers who i am sure will know the answer! :0)
Re: counting calories
01 Oct 2013, 17:33
To be honest I haven't been counting calories for the past few weeks due to not following plan because of bit of stress and upset over my police puppy walking. I've weighed this morning and I'm still about the same weight as I was a couple of months ago, so I assumed I was eating maintenance calories. I've counted my calories for last few days and today I'm on 830 which means I'm under daily TDEE and have been for last week :confused: . I'm thinking thats the reason I've maintained - I'm not eating enough, when I thought I was

So i'm going to count for October at least to make sure I'm reaching my TDEE with 5:2.

Re: counting calories
01 Oct 2013, 17:35
if I remember correctly, lowering you non-fasting day calories did not speed up the weight loss (I think that is what the survey said). I believe the fastest results came when the calories on a fast day were in a single "meal" and if you went a full 20 hours essentially without any calories.

search for the survey results and you can get your answers.
Re: counting calories
01 Oct 2013, 17:47
No, for me the joy of this WOE it is so easy to organise, just two days a week, and I know now what to do! Also counting calories would feel like I'm on a diet, which instantly makes me want to eat everything in sight... (it's 'interesting' inside my head! :?: )
I'm guessing the weight would come off faster for calorie counters, but this is working and I've kept it up, partly because it's easy. :like:

I might change my mind if the dreaded 6 month plateau happens!
Re: counting calories
01 Oct 2013, 18:55
I do 4:3 on Mon, Weds and Friday. I eat around 1200-1400 cals Tues and Thursday. I also exercise on Feed days for an hour on my bike.
I eat whatever I want on the weekends and really don't keep track :cool:

I use MFP during the week, for weighing in and support. I have been loosing on average around 1.5 pounds a week since starting this WOE, whereas I was not loosing anything since having my Son, working out 6 days a week and eating 1200 cals :curse:

I know which one I prefer :grin: :grin: :grin:
Re: counting calories
01 Oct 2013, 19:21
I have recently been checking the feast days (always count the fast days), because this last bit of hoped for weight loss before maintaining is very slow. I am aiming for 9st or just below. But
I was Stupidity personified last weekend, letting go of my better sense, eating everything in sight. It was a fleeting pleasure actually, and I decided it was not worth it. Felt ghastly and haven't done that for months. I thought I wasn't any more capable of such a binge. However I didn't swell up permanently or burst, :frown: but next day I put it all into MFP and that was a very revealing exercise, realising I could have eaten a fraction of what I went for and still enjoyed it. Sort of helped to steady me. :grin:
So counting calories has helped to get back to what is normal and what really I want, and I feel SO much better physically. Am enjoying that fit and trim feeling and no ill effects and thank goodness for this WOE.........
I think that counting calories now and again is a very helpful check on any creeping trends!
Re: counting calories
01 Oct 2013, 19:41
You're in this for the longhaul so what's the point of making it so hard it on yourself by going so much under your TDEE every day. A better way to go would be to go under a little as you are already doing a couple of times a week, going down to 1400 maybe once a week, and going OVER by a few of hundred once in a while, Saturdays say, confusing your body so it doesn't know what to expect and it stays on guard ready to burn up your fat reserves! :smile:
Make sure of course that you stick to 500 cals on repair days, and if you can go super low carb on those days so much the better! :clover:
Re: counting calories
01 Oct 2013, 19:53
I'm with Moogie and Rawkaren for the most part but do have the very occasional peek on mfp or my fitbit app.
Re: counting calories
01 Oct 2013, 19:56
Oops, just realised that my previous reply was addressed to CandiceMarie - I don't calorie count, but I have been doing this for seven months almost now, and did count a bit at the start! Once you get into the swing of it there is no need imo to count, only if you get really stuck on the dreaded plateau for instance!!
Re: counting calories
01 Oct 2013, 20:07
I calorie count and use MFP as well. It's really opened my eyes to what I eat and how much of it! I do go over occasionally (I have today :oops: ) but the amount of calories on MFP and the tracker on here vary, according to MFP I should be eating 1650 a day and my tracker here allows me 2641 - one hell of a difference! I don't know if I could manage 2641 - although will be attempting this on Friday when we have pizza delivered LOL!
Re: counting calories
01 Oct 2013, 21:13

You're in this for the longhaul so what's the point of making it so hard it on yourself by going so much under your TDEE every day. A better way to go would be to go under a little as you are already doing a couple of times a week, going down to 1400 maybe once a week, and going OVER by a few of hundred once in a while, Saturdays say, confusing your body so it doesn't know what to expect and it stays on guard ready to burn up your fat reserves!
Make sure of course that you stick to 500 cals on repair days, and if you can go super low carb on those days so much the better!

Thanks Dhana for your good advice x
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