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counting calories
01 Oct 2013, 08:31
Just wondered how many of you do this on feed days as I always still use Myfitnesspal even though I eat normally within my TDEE.
Re: counting calories
01 Oct 2013, 08:43
Yes me too, just to keep things in order!
Re: counting calories
01 Oct 2013, 08:53
Not me, I don't want every day to turn into how many cals I am eating ! I am however alot more aware of what cals are in food which helps greatly with the feast days :)
Re: counting calories
01 Oct 2013, 09:08
I don't count strictly, but am roughly aware of what's going in and I do try to balance it out if I obviously go over TDEE one day.
Re: counting calories
01 Oct 2013, 10:14
The whole point of this - for me - is NOT to count calories on non-fasting days. If I end up counting calories on my feed days, then I may just as well do that anyway without fasting... however... I'm only part way through my first week and am already slightly more aware of what and how much I am putting in my mouth - even if in quantity alone. I may become a constant calorie counter yet :wink:
Re: counting calories
01 Oct 2013, 10:18
I don't count anymore, but roughly aware.
Re: counting calories
01 Oct 2013, 10:49
I counted all last week as my son mentioned that he thought we were under eating on normal days. So I checked and he was right, by on average 600kcals. So we have upped our normal days calories and hopefully will see a return to downward weight loss.

But other than that one we don't as a rule calorie count we eat what we consider to be normal as the daily counting was doing my head in.
Re: counting calories
01 Oct 2013, 10:52
Because I've been doing low cal for a year already my brain automatically counts them and I have a rough guess of how much I'm eating. I'm always way under what my daily allowance is though.
Re: counting calories
01 Oct 2013, 11:08
I 'fess I use MFP daily. It's become yet another WOL that keeps me on the straight and narrow (but from which I deviate sometimes....)
Re: counting calories
01 Oct 2013, 11:26
I use MFP most days. Unfortunately I don't have a clue what a normal portion is so I need all the help I can get. That said, thanks to 3 months on this WOE, I now regularly suffer from "eyes nigger than belly" syndrome!
Re: counting calories
01 Oct 2013, 13:14
I mostly count as I'm rubbish at keeping to my tdee. But its bad to be under by a lot too. Not usually a problem I encounter! :oops:
Re: counting calories
01 Oct 2013, 13:22
Well, I'm convinced the every other day thing is the way for me to go. Or when special occasions come up, fast 3 times a week instead of 4. Because I'll be fasting so much, I don't feel I'll need to count calories on my "feast" days. I was reading that Dr. Varady says its not necessary. People in her study lost weight even eating high fat. She thinks it's because your stomach shrinks.

That said, I'm not going to pig out either.
Re: counting calories
01 Oct 2013, 15:03
Me too, makes me keep on track
Re: counting calories
01 Oct 2013, 17:17
I don't count on any day really, but when I first started on this WOL
I used MFP to check out some possible fast day ingredients chicken fillet/ jacket potato/salads/veggies just to give me an idea.
I've a very long way to go so this gives me a little buffer to fall back onto
further down the line when I need to pull my socks up :clover: Sue
Re: counting calories
01 Oct 2013, 17:28
I spot check the non-fasting days on MFP, and track most fasting days-especially if I go away from the norm.

I fast 3 days a week, Tuesday & Thursday and either Saturday or Sunday, and I think that keeps me closer on non-fast days than when I do 3 or 4 non-fasting days in a row, as each consecutive tends to get a little higher.
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